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Serious Dead ass forum

Pretty sure it was alive about a week and a half ago, dk what happened
Also still pretty alive
Around 3 days prob? I didn't leave anyways, just posted much less frequently after org unban.
By less frequently do you mean not spamming random guides from various stuff?
Your username on there is so tough now too
I think peak was the useful guides
I have a lot left to write, but with the influx of high iq users like @quepasta and @osteochondromyxoma and many others on other forums like .org etc I felt as if they were not needed anymore.

Most were puberty to health related.

Some examples of guides written by me for those reading that aren't familiar.
I have a lot left to write, but with the influx of high iq users like @quepasta and @osteochondromyxoma and many others on other forums like .org etc I felt as if they were not needed anymore.

Most were puberty to health related.

Some examples of guides written by me for those reading that aren't familiar.
Buds dropping the links for the guests lurkin
I have a lot left to write, but with the influx of high iq users like @quepasta and @osteochondromyxoma and many others on other forums like .org etc I felt as if they were not needed anymore.

Most were puberty to health related.

Some examples of guides written by me for those reading that aren't familiar.

Not needed as in I don't want to waste my time when other new users hungry for reps will probably bust out new threads soon.

I am retired atp from .org and .com. I have no interest to looksmax and might even leave these forums soon. That being said if anyone want to learn my DM's are always open.

My info is also always cited by studies and proofread to my best ability so I would say I am fairly reputable.
Not needed as in I don't want to waste my time when other new users hungry for reps will probably bust out new threads soon.

I am retired atp from .org and .com. I have no interest to looksmax and might even leave these forums soon. That being said if anyone want to learn my DM's are always open.

My info is also always cited by studies and proofread to my best ability so I would say I am fairly reputable.
Why was androgenic/loox mad at you jfl
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