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  • #3
Plz don't ban yourself again
I requested a month ban. I wanna just chill on my emotions and vibe through september without inducing any toxicity. Next week of school, I’m gonna “ignore” people (legit just gonna put airpods in and pretend like i’m listening to music, and be quiet in class). Nfl season starts and when that happens, life usually goes by pretty quickly. I’m excited for NBA season too, and I’m gonna fully track my meals and weight this month to get a grasp of my caloric maintenance so I can leanmaxx better. And i’ll also hopefully be down to 170 or lower even, and be closer to my lean goal.
I requested a month ban. I wanna just chill on my emotions and vibe through september without inducing any toxicity. Next week of school, I’m gonna “ignore” people (legit just gonna put airpods in and pretend like i’m listening to music, and be quiet in class). Nfl season starts and when that happens, life usually goes by pretty quickly. I’m excited for NBA season too, and I’m gonna fully track my meals and weight this month to get a grasp of my caloric maintenance so I can leanmaxx better. And i’ll also hopefully be down to 170 or lower even, and be closer to my lean goal.
Noooo, you gonna make me request a ban now
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