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Bro … do you not understand that’s why I said delusion maxing . As In I’m editing pics of my self
no im autistic

i meant it kind of as a reply to how you and nihilus said your maxilla is bad even while mandible is good, when its because its edited
i shall keep coping with mewing and bone smashing . i just pray i get a glow up like salludon ( im delusional )
i say this to everyone but plsss be careful bonesmashing the prt between your eyebrows you can lose your sense of smell

and maybe one day you can save up to get surgery, who knows? depending on your age mewing may also help
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  • #13
i say this to everyone but plsss be careful bonesmashing the prt between your eyebrows you can lose your sense of smell

and maybe one day you can save up to get surgery, who knows? depending on your age mewing may also help
I dont proper bonesmsh but thank you . I’m 17 so maybe .