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Dermarolling and lipofilling

little devil

Jun 18, 2024
Will dermarolling/dermastamping the breast region, backside, lips, undereye while using hyaluronic acid/lipofilling agent plump the region?
This reminds me of when I saw someone ask if putting volufiline on their heels/soles will make them taller 😂 the answer is probably no, I’ve only seen successful uses with derma stuff on hairline and skin.
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This reminds me of when I saw someone ask if putting volufiline on their heels/soles will make them taller 😂 the answer is probably no, I’ve only seen successful uses with derma stuff on hairline and skin.
No this is very different 😭
I saw posts like these on r/Vindicta (I am registered. I don’t schizopost there like I do here because I would get banned instantly). Adipofil or lipofill is usually crazy expensive and unpredictable

I don’t want to get fillers or implants. I think you can do hyaluronic acid injections (similar to fillers only more permanent) and in-office microneedling for undereyes. I have tear trough and vascular dark circles fyi
If it does work, which it probably doesn't, it will be minimal at best
No this is very different 😭
I saw posts like these on r/Vindicta (I am registered. I don’t schizopost there like I do here because I would get banned instantly). Adipofil or lipofill is usually crazy expensive and unpredictable

I don’t want to get fillers or implants. I think you can do hyaluronic acid injections (similar to fillers only more permanent) and in-office microneedling for undereyes. I have tear trough and vascular dark circles fyi
How severe are your troughs and circles?
Will dermarolling/dermastamping the breast region, backside, lips, undereye while using hyaluronic acid/lipofilling agent plump the region?
Im really skeptical that anything (or at least most things) superficially done to the skin will really do that much to change your facial features. I wish it was that easy though
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