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  • Thread starter Deleted member 33028
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Deleted member 33028

A few months ago, I was fuglyyy, i used to get so many hot guys asking me for my socials and i'd get stared at alot, but now I get like zero attention even though the people around me say i look so much better. I take care of myself more, I got better at makeup, and my hair is always done; and im not sure if i got uglier or if the population size just got smaller. Soo can someone pm me n give me tips n a rating (preferably a girl)
A few months ago, I was fuglyyy, i used to get so many hot guys asking me for my socials and i'd get stared at alot, but now I get like zero attention even though the people around me say i look so much better. I take care of myself more, I got better at makeup, and my hair is always done; and im not sure if i got uglier or if the population size just got smaller. Soo can someone pm me n give me tips n a rating (preferably a girl)
no one fucking cares
A few months ago, I was fuglyyy, i used to get so many hot guys asking me for my socials and i'd get stared at alot, but now I get like zero attention even though the people around me say i look so much better. I take care of myself more, I got better at makeup, and my hair is always done; and im not sure if i got uglier or if the population size just got smaller. Soo can someone pm me n give me tips n a rating (preferably a girl)
everyone goes thru this for about a 5th of the year where they're just unattractive for no reason or have a temporary glow down. Just pick yourself back up and take anabolic steroids. We will be watching your career with great interest
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  • #10
everyone goes thru this for about a 5th of the year where they're just unattractive for no reason or have a temporary glow down. Just pick yourself back up and take anabolic steroids. We will be watching your career with great interest
Thing is I get compliments if I post on my stories but when I’m out it’s like I don’t exist 😭
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  • #11
Agreed. That's usually the case with lots of these people. They are attractive but girls are probably too afraid to say hello to them first. Oftentimes, girls prefer for guys to approach them first and compliment them.
I’m a girl
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