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divide and conquer


Ϫ The One Lord of the Order of Nihil Ϫ
Established Member
Sep 22, 2023
Ancient Carthage
Order of Nihil
individuals tend to be weak
individuals tend to be weak
Why do you think the tiktok algorithm promotes breakup videos or weird mental heath shit that goes into "are you with a bad man or women" for the most part tiktok sells the most money to single teens or adults. They get the most profits by an large when you are single and alone and sad or bitter. They sell you a problem ( you bf is the problem in your life ,your gf is a cheater or going to chest on you,Your bf is a secret narc and he is a narc if he had the following traits) ect ect ect

Social media markets need avoidance to be the number one market in people. Sell the idea you are better off alone and single in the wilderness in a log cabin away from.society and they can sell you almost anything they wish because they get to act like the savior in your life and you're easier to manipulate.

When you are in the presence of friends. Family or in a relationship. You are much less likely to be manipulated by social media marketing and less likely to buy things that don't serve you.

Dividing and control is deeper than you think

There's a huge reason Andrew tate like content and redpill and blackpill go viral and are promoted so hard by tiktok despite it being very toxic in general. It's profits. Sell the solution to the insecurity you get. Go mgtwo they say. Be alone they say. Stay single forever they say ( meanwhile they rub their hands together like a jew knowing you are now an easier target to drain your wallet.)

PEOPLE need people.

Being single should not be the ideal situation or being alone. It's a scam. You become the best version of you surrounded by people who want to see the best in you.

Being an avoidant makes you easier to manipulate. You think you are high iq avoiding your problems but now the virus has set in your heart and you are a victim to the machine. The real players prey on incels,high iq autistic individuals and blackpillers like pawns.

The only way to be immune to it is to become spiritually aware and mentally aware of what you are avoiding. Become goldpill. You can not be manipulated as a goldpiller as you know love and being loved is the only way forward. Together strong. Divided weak.
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Why do you think the tiktok algorithm promotes breakup videos or weird mental heath shit that goes into "are you with a bad man or women" for the most part tiktok sells the most money to single teens or adults. They get the most profits by an large when you are single and alone and sad or bitter. They sell you a problem ( you bf is the problem in your life ,your gf is a cheater or going to chest on you,Your bf is a secret narc and he is a narc if he had the following traits) ect ect ect

Social media markets need avoidance to be the number one market in people. Sell the idea you are better off alone and single in the wilderness in a log cabin away from.society and they can sell you almost anything they wish because they get to act like the savior in your life and you're easier to manipulate.

When you are in the presence of friends. Family or in a relationship. You are much less likely to be manipulated by social media marketing and less likely to buy things that don't serve you.

Dividing and control is deeper than you think

There's a huge reason Andrew tate like content and redpill and blackpill go viral and are promoted so hard by tiktok despite it being very toxic in general. It's profits. Sell the solution to the insecurity you get. Go mgtwo they say. Be alone they say. Stay single forever they say ( meanwhile they rub their hands together like a jew knowing you are now an easier target to drain your wallet.)

PEOPLE need people.

Being single should not be the ideal situation or being alone. It's a scam. You become the best version of you surrounded by people who want to see the best in you.

Being an avoidant makes you easier to manipulate. You think you are high iq avoiding your problems but now the virus has set in your heart and you are a victim to the machine. The real players prey on incels,high iq autistic individuals and blackpillers like pawns.

The only way to be immune to it is to become spiritually aware and mentally aware of what you are avoiding. Become goldpill. You can not be manipulated as a goldpiller as you know love and being loved is the only way forward. Together strong. Divided weak.
True that, just lol at normie copers saying “you don’t need friends or a girlfriend to make you happy bro!”
True that, just lol at normie copers saying “you don’t need friends or a girlfriend to make you happy bro!”
it's the only thing that will make you happy, not having that negates every good you can have
dopaminely speaking, niglets starving in africa > incel in 1st world country
just because they have friends and gf
it's the only thing that will make you happy, not having that negates every good you can have
dopaminely speaking, niglets starving in africa > incel in 1st world country
just because they have friends and gf
Wholeheartedly agree. Every single human on earth would go mentally crazy if they had no friends or girlfriends for even just a year, it’s really hard having no one to talk to but I’d much rather have real friends who want a 2 sided friendship rather than some narcy hoe who uses me as a therapist or validation, so it’s hard to find the wolves in a pack of dogs.
Wholeheartedly agree. Every single human on earth would go mentally crazy if they had no friends or girlfriends for even just a year, it’s really hard having no one to talk to but I’d much rather have real friends who want a 2 sided friendship rather than some narcy hoe who uses me as a therapist or validation, so it’s hard to find the wolves in a pack of dogs.
Hell Yeah
Why do you think the tiktok algorithm promotes breakup videos or weird mental heath shit that goes into "are you with a bad man or women" for the most part tiktok sells the most money to single teens or adults. They get the most profits by an large when you are single and alone and sad or bitter. They sell you a problem ( you bf is the problem in your life ,your gf is a cheater or going to chest on you,Your bf is a secret narc and he is a narc if he had the following traits) ect ect ect

Social media markets need avoidance to be the number one market in people. Sell the idea you are better off alone and single in the wilderness in a log cabin away from.society and they can sell you almost anything they wish because they get to act like the savior in your life and you're easier to manipulate.

When you are in the presence of friends. Family or in a relationship. You are much less likely to be manipulated by social media marketing and less likely to buy things that don't serve you.

Dividing and control is deeper than you think

There's a huge reason Andrew tate like content and redpill and blackpill go viral and are promoted so hard by tiktok despite it being very toxic in general. It's profits. Sell the solution to the insecurity you get. Go mgtwo they say. Be alone they say. Stay single forever they say ( meanwhile they rub their hands together like a jew knowing you are now an easier target to drain your wallet.)

PEOPLE need people.

Being single should not be the ideal situation or being alone. It's a scam. You become the best version of you surrounded by people who want to see the best in you.

Being an avoidant makes you easier to manipulate. You think you are high iq avoiding your problems but now the virus has set in your heart and you are a victim to the machine. The real players prey on incels,high iq autistic individuals and blackpillers like pawns.

The only way to be immune to it is to become spiritually aware and mentally aware of what you are avoiding. Become goldpill. You can not be manipulated as a goldpiller as you know love and being loved is the only way forward. Together strong. Divided weak.
But there are terrible places where people will just abuse each other in the worse possible ways. You cant just be automatically well treated by groups, there is a whole control system to make you obedient and people who just want to do harm. It is one of the reasons that looksmaxxing and power are important.

Shure, positive social interactions is the main object used to trace Happiness, but you cant get it just by ´´being around people``.

Outside, there are millions of starving people being burglars at the street. Some of them did nothing wrong to be on that position and, still, when they feel lonelly, they cant just approach someone and have a talk: if they try, people will be hostile or act as if they dont exist, and that will happens only because HE LOOK LIKE a burglar. And when one of them BEGS, crying for a help, anything, we dont give a single piece of money.
Instead, we use money to buy a chocolate or some low level cheap luxury for ourselves, or even go to the gym!
´´I prefer to pay for building muscles and even eat more chicken then to end a burglar pain``
And so we rationalize it, giving all sorts of excesses if our ego were trained into believing that being a ´´good man``=following some morals according to our superego.
Human nature is evil and narcissist. Not entirely evil, there are good parts, still, it is also evil.
Do we cope about it? I wont.

Jesus, so many blackpill researches, and there are still people thinking that looks wont make some be treated as subhumans!
But there are terrible places where people will just abuse each other in the worse possible ways. You cant just be automatically well treated by groups, there is a whole control system to make you obedient and people who just want to do harm. It is one of the reasons that looksmaxxing and power are important.

Shure, positive social interactions is the main object used to trace Happiness, but you cant get it just by ´´being around people``.

Outside, there are millions of starving people being burglars at the street. Some of them did nothing wrong to be on that position and, still, when they feel lonelly, they cant just approach someone and have a talk: if they try, people will be hostile or act as if they dont exist, and that will happens only because HE LOOK LIKE a burglar. And when one of them BEGS, crying for a help, anything, we dont give a single piece of money.
Instead, we use money to buy a chocolate or some low level cheap luxury for ourselves, or even go to the gym!
´´I prefer to pay for building muscles and even eat more chicken then to end a burglar pain``
And so we rationalize it, giving all sorts of excesses if our ego were trained into believing that being a ´´good man``=following some morals according to our superego.
Human nature is evil and narcissist. Not entirely evil, there are good parts, still, it is also evil.
Do we cope about it? I wont.

Jesus, so many blackpill researches, and there are still people thinking that looks wont make some be treated as subhumans!
Personally speaking I will always believe the good on earth and others. It's not super ego. It's just not believing in black and white. Try some shrooms sometimes and see it resolve all these black and white thinking. It's life changing. Sure there is always unlucky inviduals. But that's just the current state of society due to decades of what's going on now. Doesn't mean we should. Strive to be better. Drop in the bucket but that one drop if met by millions can create a tidal wave. Stop thinking your contribution to society would do nothing.

Together strong. Do it for purpose of just doing it and not what you get out of it.

There will always be a counter to the goldpill but the goldpill is the only pill that does the things it does just for purpose of love. Blackpill says the truth of looks. Goldpill agrees but says there's no reason to not try and give it your all anyways and still not let it kill your zest for life.

Blackpill says your genetics determines your fate. Goldpill says genetics matter but there's alot to be said about the effort of one's willpower and success in life if they try.

Blackpill says it's cope. Goldpill says have hope.

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