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Do i break up with her


Active member
Jun 28, 2023
I liked my gf since middle school and despite us having classes together and me making the effort to talk to her she never paid any attention (i was also overweight, had f****d up skin, was shorter than her, greasy long hair, etc etc you get the picture) anyways once i started looksmaxxing and got taller she made more of an effort and we’ve been dating for like 4 months now but she had the audacity to say she doesnt care about looks and would never be as superficial as to filter her dating pool based off someones looks jfl:ROFLMAO: chat do i end things because she is a braindead air head or no
No it’s normal for people not to be conscious of these things. You shouldn’t break up with her it’s very common for people to act like this. It’s unfortunate but it’s a minor thing.
I liked my gf since middle school and despite us having classes together and me making the effort to talk to her she never paid any attention (i was also overweight, had f****d up skin, was shorter than her, greasy long hair, etc etc you get the picture) anyways once i started looksmaxxing and got taller she made more of an effort and we’ve been dating for like 4 months now but she had the audacity to say she doesnt care about looks and would never be as superficial as to filter her dating pool based off someones looks jfl:ROFLMAO: chat do i end things because she is a braindead air head or no
My opinion look=every lookism is real
I liked my gf since middle school and despite us having classes together and me making the effort to talk to her she never paid any attention (i was also overweight, had f****d up skin, was shorter than her, greasy long hair, etc etc you get the picture) anyways once i started looksmaxxing and got taller she made more of an effort and we’ve been dating for like 4 months now but she had the audacity to say she doesnt care about looks and would never be as superficial as to filter her dating pool based off someones looks jfl:ROFLMAO: chat do i end things because she is a braindead air head or no
No plz don't
I liked my gf since middle school and despite us having classes together and me making the effort to talk to her she never paid any attention (i was also overweight, had f****d up skin, was shorter than her, greasy long hair, etc etc you get the picture) anyways once i started looksmaxxing and got taller she made more of an effort and we’ve been dating for like 4 months now but she had the audacity to say she doesnt care about looks and would never be as superficial as to filter her dating pool based off someones looks jfl:ROFLMAO: chat do i end things because she is a braindead air head or no
thats a really stupid thing to break up over imo since most people will probably say the same thing idk whats so surprising 💀 her saying that just makes her blue pilled but not in any way dumb or an “air head”
Well obviously no one will like you solely for your "personality".

You just gotta accept that ig.

Don't breakup, unless you want to and are looking for excuses. If that is the case then don't think about it too much and just get over with it
Well obviously no one will like you solely for your "personality".

You just gotta accept that ig.

Don't breakup, unless you want to and are looking for excuses. If that is the case then don't think about it too much and just get over with it
Excuses as in justifications.
is there any other reason? because that alone is not enough. if that reason alone makes you question your relationship with her and go on this forum and ask people, then maybe you secretly want to breakup with her and have a validated excuse
unless you want to and are looking for excuses
Exactly what I thought

f**k we are so sigma pilled bro it's insane
A relationship lasting over a month at your age is so rare, you realize that? Breaking up with her would be the dumbest thing you could ever do, unless she provokes you into thinking she’s cheating or talking to other dudes then stay with her.

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