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Discussion Do you guys diet or just eat whatever you want?

No, it’s nearly impossible to. A big bag of Takis is 1500 calories alone, some milk and oreos is around 800 calories alone. If I want to lose weight junk food has to be out of my diet entirely.
No, it’s nearly impossible to. A big bag of Takis is 1500 calories alone, some milk and oreos is around 800 calories alone. If I want to lose weight junk food has to be out of my diet entirely.
My bad I thought you were asking if we eat whatever we want while dieting. Yes I diet and no I don’t eat whatever I want.
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No, it’s nearly impossible to. A big bag of Takis is 1500 calories alone, some milk and oreos is around 800 calories alone. If I want to lose weight junk food has to be out of my diet entirely.
IDK it depends, good food doesn't have to processed gunk

If I wasn't at my dorm, anytime I'd wanna "snack" I'd throw some eggs, butter and diced tomatoes + milk in a pot and scramble it up. Creamy goodness.

Then add some pepper with a glass of cold milk and put on a TV show to watch.
IDK it depends, good food doesn't have to processed gunk

If I wasn't at my dorm, anytime I'd wanna "snack" I'd throw some eggs, butter and diced tomatoes + milk in a pot and scramble it up. Creamy goodness.

Then add some pepper with a glass of cold milk and put on a TV show to watch.
True, that would be like 700 calories with around 40g of protein as well which is good macros.
i dont have specific food just whatever is in my fridge or my mom gets and is healthy
like if there are eggs and cucumber in the fridge then i will eat it, or if my mom makes beef veggie wrap then i eat it
i still eat sweets but to a lesser extent and my meals are not based around the desserts anymore, like in the past when i had chocolate, pizza, and icecream for dinner :booba:
i dont have specific food just whatever is in my fridge or my mom gets and is healthy
like if there are eggs and cucumber in the fridge then i will eat it, or if my mom makes beef veggie wrap then i eat it
i still eat sweets but to a lesser extent and my meals are not based around the desserts anymore, like in the past when i had chocolate, pizza, and icecream for dinner :booba:
Yeah, this is why you have Klinefeter.
no,i dont have a diet
i just limit eating processed food and milk
I don't eat pork at all (that shi is so bad for you)
I mainly cook or eat food my mom/dad cooks,not take-out
some frequent meals I eat are (they are all very yummy):
rice,beans and chicken
somali pasta
lamb and rice
Gaudeloupen dumplings and prawns
fish and rice
I tend to undereat unintentionally because I try to avoid processed foods or sugary junk foods, but I wouldnt say my diet is super strict. I want to eat a super healthy diet though. In the future I hope to completely stop eating fast foods and cook most of my own meals.

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