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Discussion Do you guys have friends irl? Poll

Do you have friends

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  • #6
Can't make friends I'm homeschoolled and I'm hated here in my home town
Did you choose to do homeschooling or was it your parents decision and what are you hated for?
many people do not consider me a real friend, i can tell because actions speak louder than words (inspirational quote ahh)
but srs. i have only one close friend but he went to a different highschool so we hardly talk now. our times have shifted since i end school later, and we both have extracurricular activities. also some games do not work on my shitty low end computer so i cannot play with him. we are still very good friends and call each other once in a while, i spectate him playing fortnite. he was a really good friend man. every day in school we would run to the library during lunch to get a computer that works well and we would play cheap minecraft royale rip off or and then we figured out how to download minecraft and we would play pvp legacy and those were brilliant days. i tell you, my senior year of middle school was bliss because he was a real friend. ive never really had anyone else like that before
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  • #9
many people do not consider me a real friend, i can tell because actions speak louder than words (inspirational quote ahh)
but srs. i have only one close friend but he went to a different highschool so we hardly talk now. our times have shifted since i end school later, and we both have extracurricular activities. also some games do not work on my shitty low end computer so i cannot play with him. we are still very good friends and call each other once in a while, i spectate him playing fortnite. he was a really good friend man. every day in school we would run to the library during lunch to get a computer that works well and we would play cheap minecraft royale rip off or and then we figured out how to download minecraft and we would play pvp legacy and those were brilliant days. i tell you, my senior year of middle school was bliss because he was a real friend. ive never really had anyone else like that before
Damn, I feel bad. Are you still in school with no friends? How do you cope with being alone?
what do you mean, do you just not party or whatever?
Yeah and my "friends" at the time took a pic of me in a changing room they were playing like would say were going to share it if you don't do this over time It got worse so I stopped and they showed everyone so I choose homeschooled until college
Damn, I feel bad. Are you still in school with no friends? How do you cope with being alone?
i had a zesty friend but he talked shit behind everyone's backs, and i mean everyone, and he was very fake. used people for popularity or grades. i remain friendly but i dont consider him a friend anymore.
i have another friend in my school, we will likely share classes next year. he is a good friend imo. he is rarely online so we dont talk often outside of school.
i cope with being lonely by being an autistic clown of the class
i am nice to everyone either way i have no enemies
lots of people find me annoying because of this and stay away but with few we still spend time together so i suppose we are still considered friends? i dont know.
Yeah and my "friends" at the time took a pic of me in a changing room they were playing like would say were going to share it if you don't do this over time It got worse so I stopped and they showed everyone so I choose homeschooled until college
wow that really sucks man those people are assholes
im sorry to hear that
i hope youre doing better with homeschooling
i have one true best friend (i do have some acquaintances kind of too), without her i think id be very miserable and depressed. she is a huge blessing in my life, so thankful to have met her.
Yeah and my "friends" at the time took a pic of me in a changing room they were playing like would say were going to share it if you don't do this over time It got worse so I stopped and they showed everyone so I choose homeschooled until college
why are people so horrible? oh my goodness
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  • #16
Yeah and my "friends" at the time took a pic of me in a changing room they were playing like would say were going to share it if you don't do this over time It got worse so I stopped and they showed everyone so I choose homeschooled until college
Shit im really sorry, your “friends” sound like horrible people. I think college will be a good place for all the social recluses on this forum to make friends. More maturity, and all the low iq narcy bullies definitely won’t be there. Depending on what course you choose your probably going to find people with similar interests
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  • #17
i had a zesty friend but he talked shit behind everyone's backs, and i mean everyone, and he was very fake. used people for popularity or grades. i remain friendly but i dont consider him a friend anymore.
i have another friend in my school, we will likely share classes next year. he is a good friend imo. he is rarely online so we dont talk often outside of school.
i cope with being lonely by being an autistic clown of the class
i am nice to everyone either way i have no enemies
lots of people find me annoying because of this and stay away but with few we still spend time together so i suppose we are still considered friends? i dont know.
The good thing is that you have no enemies keep it that way.
i had a zesty friend but he talked shit behind everyone's backs, and i mean everyone, and he was very fake. used people for popularity or grades. i remain friendly but i dont consider him a friend anymore.
i have another friend in my school, we will likely share classes next year. he is a good friend imo. he is rarely online so we dont talk often outside of school.
i cope with being lonely by being an autistic clown of the class
i am nice to everyone either way i have no enemies
some people find me annoying because of this but we still spend time together so i suppose we are still considered friends? i dont know.
Classic sigma w nice to everyone
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  • #19
i have one true best friend (i do have some acquaintances kind of too), without her i think id be very miserable and depressed. she is a huge blessing in my life, so thankful to have met her.
I don’t think I’ve ever had a BEST friend. I’ve had a lot of close friends but no best friends. I wish I did
Shit im really sorry, your “friends” sound like horrible people. I think college will be a good place for all the social recluses on this forum to make friends. More maturity, and all the low iq narcy bullies definitely won’t be there. Depending on what course you choose your probably going to find people with similar interests
Thank you yeah I'm looking forward to collage this forum also is nice
I don’t think I’ve ever had a BEST friend. I’ve had a lot of close friends but no best friends. I wish I did
honestly, before her i thought id never have a girl best friend EVER. but it really just happens, you will meet your best friend at a time you don’t even expect.
many people do not consider me a real friend, i can tell because actions speak louder than words (inspirational quote ahh)
but srs. i have only one close friend but he went to a different highschool so we hardly talk now. our times have shifted since i end school later, and we both have extracurricular activities. also some games do not work on my shitty low end computer so i cannot play with him. we are still very good friends and call each other once in a while, i spectate him playing fortnite. he was a really good friend man. every day in school we would run to the library during lunch to get a computer that works well and we would play cheap minecraft royale rip off or and then we figured out how to download minecraft and we would play pvp legacy and those were brilliant days. i tell you, my senior year of middle school was bliss because he was a real friend. ive never really had anyone else like that before
ur my real friend brah
I'm a very social person. Even if i've finished my management degree in 2018, and plan to start nursing school in 2025, it was always easy to talk to people and becoming friends with classmates/coworkers. I've done bartenter/waiter jobs, salesman job and now manager. You're always forced to talk to people all day everyday and the conversations always need to be positive so at some point you end up invited at parties because you're fun, funny and positive, and you're talking, you share stories etc etc

My point is, if you're "forced" to talk to people it becomes natural at some point, you're not affraid or shy anymore. And the younger you're starting the better it becomes

Work for male and female friendships, getting sexfriends and long term relationships

If you're bullied young and it killed your joy and confidence, you absolutely need to join and train at a MMA or Muay-ThaÏ gym. Boy or girl
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  • #27
I'm a very social person. Even if i've finished my management degree in 2018, and plan to start nursing school in 2025, it was always easy to talk to people and becoming friends with classmates/coworkers. I've done bartenter/waiter jobs, salesman job and now manager. You're always forced to talk to people all day everyday and the conversations always need to be positive so at some point you end up invited at parties because you're fun, funny and positive, and you're talking, you share stories etc etc

My point is, if you're "forced" to talk to people it becomes natural at some point, you're not affraid or shy anymore. And the younger you're starting the better it becomes

Work for male and female friendships, getting sexfriends and long term relationships

If you're bullied young and it killed your joy and confidence, you absolutely need to join and train at a MMA or Muay-ThaÏ gym. Boy or girl
Very true, working a job as a waitress improved my social skills tenfold. Congrats on your degree, why did you decide to pursue nursing?
Very true, working a job as a waitress improved my social skills tenfold. Congrats on your degree, why did you decide to pursue nursing?
Management is very stressful and not enough paid for the work i've done. Nursing will be well paid and i'll have the satisfaction to save lives instead of entertain the capitalism lmao
Management is very stressful and not enough paid for the work i've done. Nursing will be well paid and i'll have the satisfaction to save lives instead of entertain the capitalism lmao
nursing is very stressful as well, but I agree that it’s rewarding to help people
I have a decent amount of surface level “friends”. What I mean by this is people I am friendly with but I am not in any given one of them’s inner circle. I don’t really get invited to stuff, except for the big parties that everyone is invited to. I feel like a bit of a “side character” tbh, and sometimes it feels like they are pretend to be nice to me as a way to make fun of me. Guys and girls by the way.

Aside from this I have a few friends who seem to actually hang out with me because they like to be my friend, and I have more fun with them tbh.

so TLDR basically some acquaintances and a couple of decent friends

but no one who I’m that close to, to put it in perspective I would say that I don’t mind if I moved to a new place and had to start over.
I’m interested in finding out how people on this forum do in the real world
I have what I call time killers, people I spend time with just to pass the time. Genuine friends are hard to find these days. If we didn’t need social interaction to stay sane, I probably wouldn’t spend time with these time killers at all.
Yeah and my "friends" at the time took a pic of me in a changing room they were playing like would say were going to share it if you don't do this over time It got worse so I stopped and they showed everyone so I choose homeschooled until college
Nahh you got friends buddy, you got us.
many people do not consider me a real friend, i can tell because actions speak louder than words (inspirational quote ahh)
but srs. i have only one close friend but he went to a different highschool so we hardly talk now. our times have shifted since i end school later, and we both have extracurricular activities. also some games do not work on my shitty low end computer so i cannot play with him. we are still very good friends and call each other once in a while, i spectate him playing fortnite. he was a really good friend man. every day in school we would run to the library during lunch to get a computer that works well and we would play cheap minecraft royale rip off or and then we figured out how to download minecraft and we would play pvp legacy and those were brilliant days. i tell you, my senior year of middle school was bliss because he was a real friend. ive never really had anyone else like that before
PvP legacy is so fire
nursing is very stressful as well, but I agree that it’s rewarding to help people
Yeah i know, but in France it's a cheat code to work in the public healthcare, you have a lot of advantages, like not ending-up like a waggie manager, work 3 days per week, 13th month salary and bonuses. Alongside dating advantages. Of course i will not work in the ER, and plan to invest my money and doing side hustles
The only thing holding me back is that I don't drink or smoke (a big NT loss). Nonetheless, I still get invited to go out or sometimes to drinking parties. People like me (I hope so); the only haters I have are my closest friends. But I really had no true friends before my ascension. It was rough because you wouldn't even understand why you're hated. Kids are very cruel, stupid and superficial :sadge:

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