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Poll Do you know if you are neurodivergent?

Are You Neurodivergenty?

  • I am borderline.

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  • I am asperger.

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2024

High Iq and Asperger:

Post Traumatic:
You got a memory/event that deeply comes back in your head giving you a bad state of being or shut down your emotion.

You dont even know what r****d means.
Neuro divergent but very well calibrated. Extremely self aware. I've always been good at drawing people (seduction), building intrigue and playing with tension, as well as repulsing people. Repulsing people on purpose is something I've done at times to alleviate boredom since I can remember. Since I was a little kid.

I'm an ace at landing job interviews and promoting myself. If I can get a face to face interview with someone I'm guaranteed to have the job. I've never had an interview where I wasn't promptly offered the position. Even in situations where there were like 20 candidates and only 3 positions available yet I was barely qualified. Many times I've applied for low level positions and was offered a fast track to a higher leadership position after the interview was over.

I'm probably very high on the ASPD spectrum, but I would never allow myself to be properly assessed or diagnosed. Mother tried making me go to a shrink when I was about 14 but it didn't work very well. After a couple of times going I had the Dr. convinced that my mother was a headcase and he gently suggested to her that she start accompany me to the sessions. She went with me two times and once she realized that I had shifted the focus to her as the cause of my "behavioral problems" she pulled me out.
@Harvey929 you are not high IQ. You're just a young kid with average intelligence who happens to be focused on intellectual reasoning a little more than most people are at your age, most likely because you've got not much else going on.
@Harvey929 you are not high IQ. You're just a young kid with average intelligence who happens to be focused on intellectual reasoning a little more than most people are at your age, most likely because you've got not much else going on.
Because you know my school reports and grades do you? Your opinion on me is how I act on a forum dedicated to looksmaxxing and you reckon you can formulate an educated opinion on my education based on that?
Because you know my school reports and grades do you? Your opinion on me is how I act on a forum dedicated to looksmaxxing and you reckon you can formulate an educated opinion on my education based on that?
Education and academic prowess have very little to do with actual intelligence. Getting good grades only means you have basic ability and follow directions well. Studies find that most CEO were not at the top of their class, but were more average. In the end I'm afraid you might find that you're only good at following orders and filling a slot.

I'm basing my opinion of you on how I've dealt with you on here before. You can tell a lot by a very little.
Education and academic prowess have very little to do with actual intelligence. Getting good grades only means you have basic ability and follow directions well. Studies find that most CEO were not at the top of their class, but were more average. In the end I'm afraid you might find that you're only good at following orders and filling a slot.

I'm basing my opinion of you on how I've dealt with you on here before. You can tell a lot by a very little.
‘Escape the Matrix!!’ Ahh response

This is factually incorrect as your acting like filling a slot is a bad thing? Most CEO’s being interviewed in that study are obviously only going to be the successful ones, what about the other average students who amounted to nothing and who’s only option was to become a CEO of a minor company (or one they made themselves) becuase no one will hire them becuase of their poor marks in school, you can take the top 1% of any industry and make it look revolutionary. Regardless of if i’m filling a slot i’m still guaranteed a secure high paying job

Being a CEO ≠ High IQ

Whole response sounds like cope to me
Education and academic prowess have very little to do with actual intelligence. Getting good grades only means you have basic ability and follow directions well. Studies find that most CEO were not at the top of their class, but were more average. In the end I'm afraid you might find that you're only good at following orders and filling a slot.

I'm basing my opinion of you on how I've dealt with you on here before. You can tell a lot by a very little.
Grades actually have something to do with intelligence. School/Uni is an environment, where you have to do certain things to succeed. People unable to do that are either busy with something more important or are simply too low iq to be able to adapt to that environment

Real ubermensch succeeds everywhere
lots of people are very self centered and will pick high IQ. its called dunning kruger effect and overconfidence bias. people are naturally exceedingly egocentric.
people also self diagnose to stand out from the crowd.
for me, the only thing i know for certain is that i have OCD.
honestly not sure, all i know is im very awkward and i talk weirdly lol i always get told i speak like an npc and act like one by some friends of mine
‘Escape the Matrix!!’ Ahh response

This is factually incorrect as your acting like filling a slot is a bad thing? Most CEO’s being interviewed in that study are obviously only going to be the successful ones, what about the other average students who amounted to nothing and who’s only option was to become a CEO of a minor company (or one they made themselves) becuase no one will hire them becuase of their poor marks in school, you can take the top 1% of any industry and make it look revolutionary. Regardless of if i’m filling a slot i’m still guaranteed a secure high paying job

Being a CEO ≠ High IQ

Whole response sounds like cope to me
High intelligence quotient is what we're discussing. "Success" and education do not correlate. Those two things have more to do with values than anything else. If what I'm saying weren't true then there wouldn't have been so many great philosophers, artists, and innovators who strived only hard enough to keep themselves from starving for the majority of their adult lives.

And to start your own company or become the CEO of a minor one you must have high intelligence. I wouldn't exactly call it "amounting to nothing" either. You have to navigate a lot of pitfalls and outmaneuver a lot of other people in order to do that.

To do good in school you just have to have an average level of intelligence, and determination (value).

You're 14 if I remember correctly. First year of high school right? Are you particularly gifted in any area? By that I mean are you the only student in your grade sitting in a classroom full of 12th graders or college kids? If not then I know for sure that you definitely can't be anything more than average in the realm of intelligence, especially since you've revealed yourself to hold academic excellence in such a high regard.
Grades actually have something to do with intelligence. School/Uni is an environment, where you have to do certain things to succeed. People unable to do that are either busy with something more important or are simply too low iq to be able to adapt to that environment

Real ubermensch succeeds everywhere
We're talking about high IQ, not low IQ and the limitations as a result of it.
You're 14 if I remember correctly. First year of high school right? Are you particularly gifted in any area?
Recently turned 15, however I in fact am. 100/100 on my Agricultural Technology essay which will soon be sent to the Australian Agricultural Company to be potentially be implemented into their sustainable farming program in the coming years. I am 1 of 45 people in my state who were sent to Tasmania earlier this year to a ‘conference’ of sorts for the further advancements of TAS, I am also a state football player and apart of the number four ranked team in our state. I’m currently 1/10 people selected in Year 9 to study advanced math at my school (Year 11 course) and currently 3rd of those 10. I also attend a selective school ranked fairly highly in my state, not trying to flex here or anything especially since i’m not extremely gifted but making assumption's based on absolutely nothing is quite unusual. I’m also not trying to get into an argument over who’s smarter etc but my mum calls me smart so it’s whatever