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Do you reach out to the gender you're interested in?

you have to be chill, don't be stressed and scared, girls like me because im chill with them, I joke with them and I understand them. It's nothing that complicate, they shit too and their feet smell more than our's
Last part sounds weird, but I get what you say from that. Can’t put them on a pedestal they are pretty similar to us
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you have to be chill, don't be stressed and scared, girls like me because im chill with them, I joke with them and I understand them. It's nothing that complicate, they shit too and their feet smell more than our's
I guess alI have to do is treat them like one of the boys and give up my sigma lonewolf persona 😭😭
I guess alI have to do is treat them like one of the boys and give up my sigma lonewolf persona 😭😭
No, obviously they are women, don't treat them as the boys, they are more sensible, be more romantic, when they are sad ask them what happened and make them feel better, if they are mad calm them down, be sweeter to them.

Just don't fall on the other side where you become the gay friend or the guy who pays all the shit for them and they dont give a f**k
used to,in a friendly social butterfuly type of way
I lost all social skills so not anymore but I'm trying to talk to as many ppl as possible to rebuild social skills and not feel and/or b awkward
No, obviously they are women, don't treat them as the boys, they are more sensible, be more romantic, when they are sad ask them what happened and make them feel better, if they are mad calm them down, be sweeter to them.

Just don't fall on the other side where you become the gay friend or the guy who pays all the shit for them and they dont give a f**k
You're both right.. But the last part is so off

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