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Discussion Do you still watch cartoons?


Well-known member
Jun 24, 2024
Not talking about anime or adult series.
Just kids shows either new ones or old ones .

I find it so sad that newer cartoons lack so much creativity on any terms , especially on artstyle they all have the same CalArts style to them.We are really robbing the next generation of some good nostalgia material...also the 00s brutally mog the 90s.

Anyways, I gtg I have some doodles to save.
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the sopranos is good im on season 2 rn but i haven't watched it in like a month. and i probably cant continue it cause of school
Daamn..I struggle with watching shows in general started better call saul in January still didn't finished it. Shits lowkey boring tho only got good on season 6 ..but still a good show
Not talking about anime or adult series.
Just kids shows either new ones or old ones .

I find it so sad that newer cartoons lack so much creativity on any terms , especially on artstyle they all have the same CalArts style to them.We are really robbing the next generation of some good nostalgia material...also the 00s brutally mog the 90s.

Anyways, I gtg I have some doodles to save.
View attachment 43101
my brother soemtimes puts SpongeBob on tv so I watch when he does ig.
You are cool asf btw.
Not talking about anime or adult series.
Just kids shows either new ones or old ones .

I find it so sad that newer cartoons lack so much creativity on any terms , especially on artstyle they all have the same CalArts style to them.We are really robbing the next generation of some good nostalgia material...also the 00s brutally mog the 90s.

Anyways, I gtg I have some doodles to save.
View attachment 43101
If rick & morty counts then ye
Not talking about anime or adult series.
Just kids shows either new ones or old ones .

I find it so sad that newer cartoons lack so much creativity on any terms , especially on artstyle they all have the same CalArts style to them.We are really robbing the next generation of some good nostalgia material...also the 00s brutally mog the 90s.

Anyways, I gtg I have some doodles to save.
View attachment 43101
Chalkzone was underrated, man. I totally forgot about it until I saw this gif. I don’t really watch cartoons anymore though, but if I had to, it would definitely be Batman: The Animated Series like @Aly mentioned. That show was next level, almost like a mini series instead of a regular cartoon. Best era for cartoons, no doubt.

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