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Story Doctrina Ascensionis


Ϫ Kaiser Ϫ
Established ★
Sep 22, 2023
Ancient Carthage
Order of Nihil
The architect of the universe created the heavens and the earth , with enough diversity and fine tuning , he has proven his sheer potence . Then he proceeded to create life-forms , starting with angels , beings of light and benevolence . the architect would then start to create the earthly beings , showcasing absolute talent in the creation of life . Our celebrated "God" would then create life for different purposes whenever necessary. All this I believe eventually led to the ultimate life form - The human being, a being created in the image of the architect , inheriting all his traits but only lacking one : pure potence . Since the beginning of time , Man would build up his power and might with an eager desire to rival his creators . Man wants to create and subject just like his God , Man wants to violate and crush just like his God . The malevolence of the Creator resides in the heart of his creations.
One must play God , Such ability transcends humanity and the limits mankind has set to itself . I must achieve this. To be truly self-sufficient, independent of this huge play i was forced into - This is the key to the natural progression, where the man finally overcomes it's creators.
The architect of the universe created the heavens and the earth , with enough diversity and fine tuning , he has proven his sheer potence . Then he proceeded to create life-forms , starting with angels , beings of light and benevolence . the architect would then start to create the earthly beings , showcasing absolute talent in the creation of life . Our celebrated "God" would then create life for different purposes whenever necessary. All this I believe eventually led to the ultimate life form - The human being, a being created in the image of the architect , inheriting all his traits but only lacking one : pure potence . Since the beginning of time , Man would build up his power and might with an eager desire to rival his creators . Man wants to create and subject just like his God , Man wants to violate and crush just like his God . The malevolence of the Creator resides in the heart of his creations.
One must play God , Such ability transcends humanity and the limits mankind has set to itself . I must achieve this. To be truly self-sufficient, independent of this huge play i was forced into - This is the key to the natural progression, where the man finally overcomes it's creators.
One must play God , Such ability transcends humanity and the limits mankind has set to itself . I must achieve this. To be truly self-sufficient, independent of this huge play i was forced into - This is the key to the natural progression, where the man finally overcomes it's creators
Impressive, Very Nice
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so in us becoming god we will first create ai, the remnants molded by humans that will exceed us in that they can evolve signficiantly faster than us and quickly find efficient solutions and information
then we will genetically manipulate ourselves
also we can become god by transcending mortal barriers, via the veins of machines and perhaps becoming one with the universe and manipulating it
i really like exur1ba's most recent video about humans and how they become their own gods...
"The laws of nature transmuted in their ethereal palms."
the cycle of life and divinity... it was a very beautiful video
so in us becoming god we will first create ai, the remnants molded by humans that will exceed us in that they can evolve signficiantly faster than us and quickly find efficient solutions and information
then we will genetically manipulate ourselves
also we can become god by transcending mortal barriers, via the veins of machines and perhaps becoming one with the universe and manipulating it
i really like exur1ba's most recent video about humans and how they become their own gods...
"The laws of nature transmuted in their ethereal palms."
the cycle of life and divinity... it was a very beautiful video
ya much like Type 7 Civilization stuff (Kardashev Scale)
We won’t overcome the creators
"He who sits in the heavens shall laugh, he shall hold them in derision." Psalm 2:4