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does anyone else even watch looksmaxxing content anymore?

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  • #3
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  • #4
not a soul in sight
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  • #6
I sometimes watch videos about topics i dont know, for example i started getting intrested in the use of dermarollers
thats interesting i will try that out
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  • #7
bump perchance
i was a mod before, but i became inactive that why i decided to resign.
@Nihilus i've decided to switch up my style of post and will actually make some thread that need some effort
i dont particularly watch looksmaxxing stuff, its all water, mew gua sha face exercises and skin care
i only watch videos or read about specific features like eye area and jaw etc
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  • #15
cant help that my feed is so cursed but ye i just skip the vids
its all pointless tbh to watch the same shit every video.
U just need to look deeper abt the stuff u interested in
Eg- sum good pdo video i found here

U can't just keep coping with words or pic sometimes u need vedio for better understanding like visual way to inject hgh for beginners here

Or simple just basic stuff like how to calculate ratios

All good stuff
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  • #17
U just need to look deeper abt the stuff u interested in
Eg- sum good pdo video i found here

U can't just keep coping with words or pic sometimes u need vedio for better understanding like visual way to inject hgh for beginners here

Or simple just basic stuff like how to calculate ratios

All good stuff
thats interesting i really gotta watch more youtube. also virtuoso can you give me a response in the one thread narcissus made? about what high school kid you would be
thats interesting i really gotta watch more youtube. also virtuoso can you give me a response in the one thread narcissus made? about what high school kid you would be
Oh i didn't know u tagged me
I might have missed
Let me look into it rn
Here's a secret looksmaxxing tip


You can DIY it if you got the balls and the results last 6 years. I did it once. Didn't do it deep enough and results lasted a year
Will take spare eyebrows and make them mega dark and dense. It's literally the ultimate power move for looking good in pics and videos or irl.

The ink can be customized to what fits you. I suggest going a shade darker than you think becuase it fades a little
You will look comical as you heal. It will look stupid too. But once the ink fades it will look natural and you will enjoy dense dark eyebrows that no one can tell is a tattoo.

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