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Discussion Does gua sha work ?


New member
Apr 7, 2024
I know gua sha moves fluid under skin

But i wamt to know your experience what are the things gua sha can help me with

And if you use it ,how did it help you ?
I know gua sha moves fluid under skin

But i wamt to know your experience what are the things gua sha can help me with

And if you use it ,how did it help you ?
I have not used it but i know that the changes are not significant anyone who tells u they work is lying and prolly is a scammer
I know gua sha moves fluid under skin

But i wamt to know your experience what are the things gua sha can help me with

And if you use it ,how did it help you ?
all it does is move lympohatic movement and increase circulation. maybe that small lymphatic movement causes your jaw to look more defined over a long period of time, but gua sha is mostly cope and its results will not be very noticeable. huge waste of time, COPE
I used it for a month but with no/very little visible improvements. I suggest using other looksmaxxing techniques for your face.
I know gua sha moves fluid under skin

But i wamt to know your experience what are the things gua sha can help me with

And if you use it ,how did it help you ?
dont bother using if u are over 15% bf
if u are under tho it’ll help w bloating and circulating blood flow kinda makes u look more awake/ alert if its cold also helps w puffiness
It will help on the morning only if your face is bloated from waking up and that’s about it I think
It can help you get more defined but not in the way of changing your bone structure, it just helps de bloat your face
theres better ways to debloat though so u can forget gua shua
While in shower when cleansing face, use your palm to gently drain your face

Even if it doesn't work, what do you have to lose?
How does this smooth tool have an effect on your nose tip boyo?? Use logic
i heard sum ppl's nose tip was bigger than it should have been before debloating but maybe im just stupid i have terrible memory :)
i heard sum ppl's nose tip was bigger than it should have been before debloating but maybe im just stupid i have terrible memory :)
not really. debloating will have little to no effect on the nose tip. and gua sha does not do much for debloating. so gua sha has extremely negligible effects on your nose tip. weight loss and debloating will help slightly, surgery is another option