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Does my nose job look natural or am I cooked

Mar 18, 2024
Instagram: miul1na
So basically I got my nose done 5 months ago in Hamburg (Germany) and I’m scared because a lot of people ask me if i got my nose done which is not what i want!!! I wanted it to look natural. I paid a lot for it to look natural so for people to ask if I got it done is just so anticlimactic :( !!!! Does it actually look that unnatural?? Could it be because of the swelling??!!
1. im not trying to fraud shit idgaf if you’ll like my nose or not just asking if it looks natural lol and the best angle to post for this topic is a 3/4. you can kinda see it from the front and from the side
It looks natural but idk what your before was
So basically I got my nose done 5 months ago in Hamburg (Germany) and I’m scared because a lot of people ask me if i got my nose done which is not what i want!!! I wanted it to look natural. I paid a lot for it to look natural so for people to ask if I got it done is just so anticlimactic :( !!!! Does it actually look that unnatural?? Could it be because of the swelling??!!
View attachment 32802
looks natural enough
and pls send before vs after using the same format
no need to get defensive
if you follow this for taking photos you will get more accurate advice
You guys are just horny and trying to get more fap material pics from her 🤦‍♂️
So basically I got my nose done 5 months ago in Hamburg (Germany) and I’m scared because a lot of people ask me if i got my nose done which is not what i want!!! I wanted it to look natural. I paid a lot for it to look natural so for people to ask if I got it done is just so anticlimactic :( !!!! Does it actually look that unnatural?? Could it be because of the swelling??!!
View attachment 32802
If I saw your in person, I would never assume a rhinoplasty of some sorts.
