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Serious Dont take life for granted


Established ★
Jul 17, 2024
WW3 is going to happen sooner than what the media is putting out and we all know if WW3 does happen a draft is 100% percent happening more husband's and sons killed you know chad and sub5 alike and from the first 2 world wars and Ukraine war footage of mangled bodies,executions,burnings we can tell WW3 will be brutal

View attachment 1000012237.mp4

teenage Kamikaze soilder note to his older brother
In the coldest part of winter [A seasonal greeting]

Since then, has there been anything new with you, older brother?

With the daily bombing attacks, you must be busy with your military duties.

The state of the war in/for the [???Philippines???] is without a doubt very important.

Now, all 100 million of us, without regard for our position on the front lines or behind them, must put forth our best efforts to see through this war as special attack forces [lit 特攻隊, the official name of the suicide attack troops].

I am working harder than ever at my military job and am putting my best efforts into my daily training in order to get to the battlefield as quickly as possible.

Older brother, I am grateful that I [was born?] in this time of war.

I will no doubt achieve great things and do my best for the country.

Even if I were to die before our parents, I’m sure our parents would be happy if it were for the good of the country.

[A poem - 時雨では咲かぬ蕾の桜かな] Ah, a cherry blossom bud will not bloom in the seasonal rain.

Do you understand what I mean?

A crossbow to be fired at the perfect moment

This life is to be given for the good of the motherland. I wait calmly for the day that is to come.

Older brother, please do not mention this to our parents. I have no intention to worry them unnecessarily.

[Another poem - 散る桜も残る桜も散る桜. This is the death poem of the Edo-period Buddhist priest Ryōkan] Cherry blossoms that fall and those that remain will all fall in the end.

散るべき時の春を忘れざりせば As long as the spring when they fall is not forgotten

Older brother, I am praying for your success in your military endeavors.

The cold must be very bad, so look after yourself.

Evening of January 16th

Best regards

To my older brother


Less Fortunate
Some People out there would do anything for a meal for their family even if your are not a chad you were born in a 1st or second world country and not in a warzone you may be upset about your canthal tilt your maxilla,jaw etc but it's nothing to rope about when you look at it on a broad scale to the people on this planet

Also people in north Korea have it the worse if you look a north Korea prison camp drawings won't post here because of the gore but it puts into prospective how lucky we have it

Note: you know your gonna die someday but for you know how? What if it's some gruesome way like getting sucked into a jet engine you never know stay safe.
Last edited:
WW3 is going to happen sooner than what the media is putting out and we all know if WW3 does happen a draft is 100% percent happening more husband's and sons killed you know chad and sub5 alike and from the first 2 world wars and Ukraine war footage of mangled bodies,executions,burnings we can tell WW3 will be brutal

View attachment 41922

teenage Kamikaze soilder note to his older brother
View attachment 41920
In the coldest part of winter [A seasonal greeting]

Since then, has there been anything new with you, older brother?

With the daily bombing attacks, you must be busy with your military duties.

The state of the war in/for the [???Philippines???] is without a doubt very important.

Now, all 100 million of us, without regard for our position on the front lines or behind them, must put forth our best efforts to see through this war as special attack forces [lit 特攻隊, the official name of the suicide attack troops].

I am working harder than ever at my military job and am putting my best efforts into my daily training in order to get to the battlefield as quickly as possible.

Older brother, I am grateful that I [was born?] in this time of war.

I will no doubt achieve great things and do my best for the country.

Even if I were to die before our parents, I’m sure our parents would be happy if it were for the good of the country.

[A poem - 時雨では咲かぬ蕾の桜かな] Ah, a cherry blossom bud will not bloom in the seasonal rain.

Do you understand what I mean?

A crossbow to be fired at the perfect moment

This life is to be given for the good of the motherland. I wait calmly for the day that is to come.

Older brother, please do not mention this to our parents. I have no intention to worry them unnecessarily.

[Another poem - 散る桜も残る桜も散る桜. This is the death poem of the Edo-period Buddhist priest Ryōkan] Cherry blossoms that fall and those that remain will all fall in the end.

散るべき時の春を忘れざりせば As long as the spring when they fall is not forgotten

Older brother, I am praying for your success in your military endeavors.

The cold must be very bad, so look after yourself.

Evening of January 16th

Best regards

To my older brother

View attachment 41923

Less Fortunate
Some People out there would do anything for a meal for their family even if your are not a chad you were born in a 1st or second world country and not in a warzone you may be upset about your canthal tilt your maxilla,jaw etc but it's nothing to rope about when you look at it on a broad scale to the people on this planet

Also people in north Korea have it the worse if you look a north Korea prison camp drawings won't post here because of the gore but it puts into prospective how lucky we have it
View attachment 41924

Note: you know your gonna die someday but for you know how? What if it's some gruesome way like getting sucked into a jet engine you never know stay safe.
i thought this was going to be some heartfelt thing about loving people close to you but its about ww3??? bro.
WW3 is going to happen sooner than what the media is putting out and we all know if WW3 does happen a draft is 100% percent happening more husband's and sons killed you know chad and sub5 alike and from the first 2 world wars and Ukraine war footage of mangled bodies,executions,burnings we can tell WW3 will be brutal

View attachment 41922

teenage Kamikaze soilder note to his older brother
View attachment 41920
In the coldest part of winter [A seasonal greeting]

Since then, has there been anything new with you, older brother?

With the daily bombing attacks, you must be busy with your military duties.

The state of the war in/for the [???Philippines???] is without a doubt very important.

Now, all 100 million of us, without regard for our position on the front lines or behind them, must put forth our best efforts to see through this war as special attack forces [lit 特攻隊, the official name of the suicide attack troops].

I am working harder than ever at my military job and am putting my best efforts into my daily training in order to get to the battlefield as quickly as possible.

Older brother, I am grateful that I [was born?] in this time of war.

I will no doubt achieve great things and do my best for the country.

Even if I were to die before our parents, I’m sure our parents would be happy if it were for the good of the country.

[A poem - 時雨では咲かぬ蕾の桜かな] Ah, a cherry blossom bud will not bloom in the seasonal rain.

Do you understand what I mean?

A crossbow to be fired at the perfect moment

This life is to be given for the good of the motherland. I wait calmly for the day that is to come.

Older brother, please do not mention this to our parents. I have no intention to worry them unnecessarily.

[Another poem - 散る桜も残る桜も散る桜. This is the death poem of the Edo-period Buddhist priest Ryōkan] Cherry blossoms that fall and those that remain will all fall in the end.

散るべき時の春を忘れざりせば As long as the spring when they fall is not forgotten

Older brother, I am praying for your success in your military endeavors.

The cold must be very bad, so look after yourself.

Evening of January 16th

Best regards

To my older brother

View attachment 41923

Less Fortunate
Some People out there would do anything for a meal for their family even if your are not a chad you were born in a 1st or second world country and not in a warzone you may be upset about your canthal tilt your maxilla,jaw etc but it's nothing to rope about when you look at it on a broad scale to the people on this planet

Also people in north Korea have it the worse if you look a north Korea prison camp drawings won't post here because of the gore but it puts into prospective how lucky we have it
View attachment 41924

Note: you know your gonna die someday but for you know how? What if it's some gruesome way like getting sucked into a jet engine you never know stay safe.
i want life on earth to get wiped out
patriotism is slavery
ideologies in support of superiority and unnatural shit are slavery
war is slavery
nuke the middle east
overthrow the governments and start over with a clean slate
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #24
patriotism is slavery
ideologies in support of superiority and unnatural shit are slavery
war is slavery
nuke the middle east
overthrow the governments and start over with a clean slate
Some are forced into slavery since birth
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #26
patriotism is slavery
ideologies in support of superiority and unnatural shit are slavery
war is slavery
nuke the middle east
overthrow the governments and start over with a clean slate
Middle east is packin

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