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Info Eat raw meat to thrive


I am too busy solving complex geometrical problems
Established ★
Oct 2, 2023
The Paragon
More water soluble nutrients and more amino acids.

L carnitine levels can drop by almost half after being cooked. And that isn't the only amino acid to be destroyed in heat or by cooking methods

Cooked meat = more digestible protein
Raw meat = more amino acids and nutrients

Solution : cook your steak medium rare or rare

Thank you for reading. I just ate 2 raw eggs and 2 cooked eggs 🥚 🪺 😋
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  • #2

If your eating raw meat already then also drink raw blood as it is an excellent source of electrolytes​

Fresh blood has all the electrolytes needed by your body, and in addition, it has proteins and many other nutrients
It's the super-drink of nature
the best source of blood is goats, especially goats that have been raised under a lot of sun in free-range and clean natural environments
The taste is rather sweet with a slight metalic note, which is iron. Blood will not taste horrible, so don't worry about throwing it up
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  • #6
Eat raw meat to die from infection. You can’t ever guarantee that the animal was perfectly healthy
Have you never had medium-rare steak before? It's not an uncommon or dangerous concept lol
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  • #7
There is no risk of sickness if the animal is healthy; the only risk is polution, and if the animal is not healthy, you will be consuming toxins derived from chemicals that are circulating in the blood
I also would never eat raw chicken or pork.
He kinda has brain infection

But yea, if you live on a farm or smth - it's unlikely that you'll get infected. And didn't he get temporarily paralysed after eating raw meat? Have no source, but heard someone say it
yeah he's pretty stupid aswell on exercise but he didnt source the meat correctly at fisrt because he dumb dumb and he scams his fans
He is kinda hilarious tho. Saw a streamer react to his vids - top tier content

Liked his take on fighting & hierarchies too. Cool, but brain infected guy xd
That's how I found about him too and I feel the same about him lol.
i mostly eat chicken so that has to be cooked well or my subhuman immune system will die from salmonella
for other meats my mom cooks them for a long time, because they are as chewy as shoes
tiktok video idea

forbidden looksmaxxes part 1
studies have proven that chewing increases bonemass and makes your jawline sharper
normies chew hard gum and foods
but here i present you all a forbidden looksmax that has been gatekept from years
shoe chewing
shoes are very chewy and you can always steal them
they don't run out as easily as gums and last way longer
here is a transformation of my client whom i referred this technique first

from this 1719917743770.png
to this 4188018_728C4BA1-BBC5-4C85-9778-F877C0631A24.jpeg

just in 2 months of shoe chewing

also i will be releasing by own brand of chewy shoes next week
like and comment 'tales from mumbai' to win a giveaway in which you will get mine and my onlyfans girlfriend's personal shoes for chewing
thanks for watching
