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Jul 7, 2024
(i saw someone do a similar thread with testosterone so i decided to do one for estrogen, im directly copying the format of the testosterone one)

What should I take?
DHEA supplement
- Evening Primrose oil
- B vitamins

What should I eat?
- Tofu
- Flax seeds
- Sesame seeds

All information was from Healthline, which is considered a mid-range health site in terms of being a reputable source.
mini guide lol >,<

just eat shit processed foods and be sedentary brah, dont even let the sun touch your skin
be obese
take estrogen
massage your ovarians
take testosterone so that it gets converted to estrogen, high T=high E (unless youre taking aromasin)
Wouldn't recommend isoflavones ngl
mini guide lol >,<

just eat shit processed foods and be sedentary brah, dont even let the sun touch your skin
be obese
take estrogen
massage your ovarians
take testosterone so that it gets converted to estrogen, high T=high E (unless youre taking aromasin)
Obesity causes lower fertility though
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #8
(i saw someone do a similar thread with testosterone so i decided to do one for estrogen, im directly copying the format of the testosterone one)

What should I take?
DHEA supplement
- Evening Primrose oil
- B vitamins

What should I eat?
- Tofu
- Flax seeds
- Sesame seeds

All information was from Healthline, which is considered a mid-range health site in terms of being a reputable source.
don’t do this
(i saw someone do a similar thread with testosterone so i decided to do one for estrogen, im directly copying the format of the testosterone one)

What should I take?
DHEA supplement
- Evening Primrose oil
- B vitamins

What should I eat?
- Tofu
- Flax seeds
- Sesame seeds

All information was from Healthline, which is considered a mid-range health site in terms of being a reputable source.
just drink a lot of soy milk and if u can take testosterone blockers
mini guide lol >,<

just eat shit processed foods and be sedentary brah, dont even let the sun touch your skin
be obese
take estrogen
massage your ovarians
take testosterone so that it gets converted to estrogen, high T=high E (unless youre taking aromasin)
Tell me more about aromasim
Tell me more about aromasim
aromasin is an enzyme inhibitor that prevents testosterone from converting to estrogen
it is used to treat breast cancer
it is also good for keeping your growth plates open (estrogen fuses them)
but estrogen is important so dont take aromasin after puberty/if tall