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Info Everyone is evil, some people are better at hiding it than others.

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  • #5
Not everyone if you are talking about conscience evil
"Immoral" and "twisted"

We are all slaves to carnal desires
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  • #7
Indeed, but to think that carnal desires is evil is simply wrong. ´´Slave morality`` as Nietzche would say
Most are considered evil to alot of people in alot of places

Like r**e, torture, acts of violence, lust etc.
Most are considered evil to alot of people in alot of places

Like r**e, torture, acts of violence, lust etc.
You are lacking nuances in your analysis, it is not simply any sort of carnal act that is desirable to everyone: both a fat and ugly woman and a pretty skinny woman have the same pussy, but they taste differently. The reason they feel different is due to the other things that are related to the experience.

Therefore, it is not true that people would enjoy r**e just because they enjoy sex or masturbation. Chill.
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  • #9
Therefore, it is not true that people would enjoy r**e just because they enjoy sex or masturbation. Chill.
What the f**k, I just said that there are many people who would enjoy r**e, murder etc.

Never said people would enjoy r**e just because they have sexual desire nor did I insinuate that everyone is like that.
What the f**k, I just said that there are many people who would enjoy r**e, murder etc.

Never said people would enjoy r**e just because they have sexual desire nor did I insinuate that everyone is like that.
Indeed, but to think that carnal desires is evil is simply wrong. ´´Slave morality`` as Nietzche would say
Most are considered evil to alot of people in alot of places

Like r**e, torture, acts of violence, lust etc.
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  • #11
@Wilk Yeah where did I insinuate that everyone who feels lust would enjoy r**e?

I listed it out as possible reasons for one's flaw, controlled by innate carnal desire. That they desire.
nope i think in general we are good and want good for others hence why we are happy when we see happy endings in movies
we become evil when we step on others to get what we want or others get in the way of what we want, when we let greed take over us and hurt other people, etc.
and this only applies when you are not in a life or death situation. normally it would be cruel to keep food to yourself when someone next to you is starving and you dont need the food, but in survival situations, you HAVE to, because its either you or them. there are different rules of morality then. i also believe presidents and political leaders should be held to different standards of morals because of the opposite reason--they have to take care of many people, their own people, which means putting their country first, potentially bringing down another country, but what else can you do? let your country sink for another? you were appointed for the good of that country.

think about it, if we were more evil than good, we would all be living in something like north korea. the evil easily trumps the good. but in the lives we live, most of us have houses, water, food, no one is trying to steal it from us, no one is angry seeing us have these things instead they are happy for us, in general most people feel content day to day (unless they are going thru something difficult) if it was the other way around we would have been waking up everyday thinking of how to step on others to get what we want and we'd never ever be happy for other people. we help strangers on the street if we saw that they were passed out, or someone was being harassed in public, we attend weddings because we are happy for the future the couple should have, we are happy when a child is born even though its not our own. of course we have evil, but not enough for us to be defined by it, and it only truly comes out if someone is pushed to that, for example richard ramirez he lived an extremely difficult life and became evil to where he put his own desires over someone's suffering and became a serial killer. there is a point where we should stop our empathy and understand that people like that are evil and there is not much we can do at this point. so i disagree with the title.
Na. Bad take. Your projecting what you believe in others. Not everyone is evil. Lots are. Lots are not. Absolutes tend to always fall on its face. There's naturally good people who legit do not want harm for anyone. It's funny because any psychedelic should in theory make you who you REALLY are as it removes all inhibitors. Same thing with alcohol. For me it just makes me wanna love people and be myself and see the world get along and it's very positive experience. Iv seen people drink and become very very bad people.

In my opinion if you wanna know your capacity for evil. Take a psychedelic. That shit absolutely forces you to be who you are behind the facade people often play just to fit in. You will know with out adoubt who you are after a good experience of psychedelics. Some people just accept it and integrate it into their real self's that's what they call the "shadow self"
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  • #18
think about it, if we were more evil than good, we would all be living in something like north korea.
Some people just don't do bad things because of laws and how they would be perceived.
normally it would be cruel to keep food to yourself when someone next to you is starving and you dont need the food, but in survival situations, you HAVE to, because its either you or them.
A lot of people wouldn't reduce their "privilege" to the "average" if it means helping someone beneath them
there are different rules of morality
Morality is subjective, 500 year ago I could have slapped my wife for opposing me and it would be so much more accepted than today. In different times I could have given her a lobotomy, forced her to have sex etc.

I could have been a slave, been r***d etc in different times and it wouldn't be "wrong" to most. Morality is always changing.
we help strangers on the street if we saw that they were passed out
This is dependent on the culture if the people. If you passed on the streets here in Asia, people would not immediately help. Everyone would awkwardly look at each other and just stand there.
so i disagree with the title.
Exaggerated title
nope i think in general we are good and want good for others hence why we are happy when we see happy endings in movies
we become evil when we step on others to get what we want or others get in the way of what we want, when we let greed take over us and hurt other people, etc.
and this only applies when you are not in a life or death situation. normally it would be cruel to keep food to yourself when someone next to you is starving and you dont need the food, but in survival situations, you HAVE to, because its either you or them. there are different rules of morality then. i also believe presidents and political leaders should be held to different standards of morals because of the opposite reason--they have to take care of many people, their own people, which means putting their country first, potentially bringing down another country, but what else can you do? let your country sink for another? you were appointed for the good of that country.

think about it, if we were more evil than good, we would all be living in something like north korea. the evil easily trumps the good. but in the lives we live, most of us have houses, water, food, no one is trying to steal it from us, no one is angry seeing us have these things instead they are happy for us, in general most people feel content day to day (unless they are going thru something difficult) if it was the other way around we would have been waking up everyday thinking of how to step on others to get what we want and we'd never ever be happy for other people. we help strangers on the street if we saw that they were passed out, or someone was being harassed in public, we attend weddings because we are happy for the future the couple should have, we are happy when a child is born even though its not our own. of course we have evil, but not enough for us to be defined by it, and it only truly comes out if someone is pushed to that, for example richard ramirez he lived an extremely difficult life and became evil to where he put his own desires over someone's suffering and became a serial killer. there is a point where we should stop our empathy and understand that people like that are evil and there is not much we can do at this point. so i disagree with the title.
Good post, I agree with some, I disagree with some.

Good reply <3
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #19
In my opinion if you wanna know your capacity for evil. Take a psychedelic. That shit absolutely forces you to be who you are behind the facade people often play just to fit in. You will know with out adoubt who you are after a good experience of psychedelics. Some people just accept it and integrate it into their real self's that's what they call the "shadow self"

I will be doing shrooms soon
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  • #20
Same thing with alcohol. For me it just makes me wanna love people and be myself and see the world get along and it's very positive experience. Iv seen people drink and become very very bad people.
I remain as is despite being very drunk. As in no change except for laughing uncontrollably at the smallest of things.
Some people just don't do bad things because of laws and how they would be perceived.

A lot of people wouldn't reduce their "privilege" to the "average" if it means helping someone beneath them

Morality is subjective, 500 year ago I could have slapped my wife for opposing me and it would be so much more accepted than today. In different times I could have given her a lobotomy, forced her to have sex etc.

I could have been a slave, been r***d etc in different times and it wouldn't be "wrong" to most. Morality is always changing.

This is dependent on the culture if the people. If you passed on the streets here in Asia, people would not immediately help. Everyone would awkwardly look at each other and just stand there.

Exaggerated title

Good post, I agree with some, I disagree with some.

Good reply <3
i dont know how to quote the specific sentence like you did so ill just paste it
"Some people just don't do bad things because of laws and how they would be perceived.
"A lot of people wouldn't reduce their "privilege" to the "average" if it means helping someone beneath them"

i do agree with this, i think maybe if your title was revised to "there are more evil people than we think, just in hiding" then i would completely agree with you. the thing is that those are some people, not everyone like you wrote in your title. and i dont think it is super common, but definitely something to look out for. because what causes evil in my opinion are a mix of nature vs. nurture, some people are born with desires for certain things more than others, and what makes you evil then is if you don't care about what you have to do to gain that. then comes in the nurture part, the environment, where your upbringing has broken you so you don't feel remorse like the average person. that happens to many people that we dont know of (which was the point of your title), but is not common enough to be labelled as everyone.
think of a sociopath or psychopath. what makes them evil? the fact that they dont care for others and would take advantage of a person for their own benefit with absolutely zero remorse.

"Morality is subjective, 500 year ago I could have slapped my wife for opposing me and it would be so much more accepted than today. In different times I could have given her a lobotomy, forced her to have sex etc.

I could have been a slave, been r***d etc in different times and it wouldn't be "wrong" to most. Morality is always changing."

this is also true, and i dont know if this is a close minded opinion or not, but i just genuinely believe that morals have always been one standard, closer to the moral standards of today (of course there are points i still disagree with) and that for most of history we have been deviant from those morals. i dont know exactly what caused them, i dont know why (and i would like to know) during older times people did not think as much of the feelings of their wives and were okay with making them slaves, mistreating them, assuming that they were stupid and therefore (in certain societies) not allowing them to have an education and a career like a man did, but im glad that things have changed, that women have been able to speak up and be heard. i am from afghanistan and things like this still happen, women are trapped in abusive marriages and divorce is such a taboo (plus after divorce the woman has no one to provide for her, then imagine she already has children), so just because people in afghanistan think its okay to be more forceful on the wife, it doesnt mean that morals change, but that we disagree with their idea of morality.

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