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JFL Everytime I become a NEET, I end up becoming a shut-in/hikkimori


I am too busy solving complex geometrical problems
Established ★
Oct 2, 2023
The Paragon
My longest period of this was 2 months of pure confinement to my bedroom. Didn't leave once at all. Just to open the door for food deliveries. Brutal.

I am already reverting back to my old ways, just 3 weeks in or however long it has been. Few more months to go.
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  • #13
Sunlight is life ☀️

Nature is life 🌲

Humans aren’t meant to be inside all day and you know it
No shit

Modern comforts were made because our ancestors had shitty lives. It's not about having it one way or another, it's about balance.

I help my grandmother with her farm work anyways. I'm probably more traditional than most people in these spaces. ( I'll take pics soon because the Durian trees have grown )
No shit

Modern comforts were made because our ancestors had shitty lives. It's not about having it one way or another, it's about balance.

I help my grandmother with her farm work anyways. I'm probably more traditional than most people in these spaces. ( I'll take pics soon because the Durian trees have grown )
Not tryna argue but those modern comforts were made in response to the stressors of living in modern society
But the issue is that we can’t really go back to ever doing that. Humans are social creatures and we need interaction with each other to survive for mental health and wellbeing. I doubt any present day hunter gatherer tribe would accept new people in, and I probably can’t find a group of people that would want to participate. All it would get me is loneliness because everyone has moved on, even though it isn’t really healthy for us and goes against human nature
But the issue is that we can’t really go back to ever doing that. Humans are social creatures and we need interaction with each other to survive for mental health and wellbeing. I doubt any present day hunter gatherer tribe would accept new people in, and I probably can’t find a group of people that would want to participate. All it would get me is loneliness because everyone has moved on, even though it isn’t really healthy for us and goes against human nature
