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JFL Fake

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  • #9
tbh this chit way too beautiful
Sun mogs jfl everyday I look into the sky and see the beautiful sun eyes kinda hurt while doing it but it's so beautiful man black hole gets mogged into oblivion
Sun mogs jfl everyday I look into the sky and see the beautiful sun eyes kinda hurt while doing it but it's so beautiful man black hole gets mogged into oblivion
whole universe is wonderful
It's true I was there
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #21
looks to me like a brown dwarf? (brown dwarfs are magenta not brown) whats its name
Gliese 504 b is a Jovian planet or brown dwarf located in the system of the solar analog 59 Virginis, discovered by direct imaging using HiCIAO instrument and AO188 adaptive optics system on the Subaru Telescope of Mauna Kea Observatory, Hawaii by Kuzuhara et al. Visually, GJ 504 b would have a dull magenta color.
if its gliese 504b that you sent then yes it is possibly a brown dwarf
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