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billions must mog
Sep 1, 2024
im so tired of stacys pretending like theyre femcels…like its so annoying it’ll be a beautiful girl with 4 ex boyfrinds 20 orbiters talking ab how shes a hikimorri or femcel just for validation, but then will make fun of actually ugly loser girls. I dont even like the term femcel bc it feels convoluted to me. im a female who, not by choice, has had no romantic relationship, and no man has ever been intrested or physically attracted to me. also these “femcel girlbloggers” pretending to have autism is very annoying too. im actually on the spectrum and it is ruining my life. boys are obly somewhat nice to me bc they think im sped, and those same girls who pretend to be femcels look at me like im a freak. message to all stacys and chads; pls stop pretending like your ugly, enjoy being attractive👍🏾
im so tired of stacys pretending like theyre femcels…like its so annoying it’ll be a beautiful girl with 4 ex boyfrinds 20 orbiters talking ab how shes a hikimorri or femcel just for validation, but then will make fun of actually ugly loser girls. I dont even like the term femcel bc it feels convoluted to me. im a female who, not by choice, has had no romantic relationship, and no man has ever been intrested or physically attracted to me. also these “femcel girlbloggers” pretending to have autism is very annoying too. im actually on the spectrum and it is ruining my life. boys are obly somewhat nice to me bc they think im sped, and those same girls who pretend to be femcels look at me like im a freak. message to all stacys and chads; pls stop pretending like your ugly, enjoy being attractive👍🏾
ur gonna be bombarded by femcels are volcels messages especialy cuz u are relativly attractrive
men will act like femcels don't exist because some men swipe right on every profile on dating apps when most of these guys will unmatch after
men will act like femcels don't exist because some men swipe right on every profile on dating apps when most of these guys will unmatch after
i got into an argument on here cuz of a thread that i didnt even make cuz it was about femcels
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  • #10
men will act like femcels don't exist because some men swipe right on every profile on dating apps when most of these guys will unmatch after

men will act like femcels don't exist because some men swipe right on every profile on dating apps when most of these guys will unmatch after
its so annoying they call female incels volcels bc they cant fathom the fact that there are females out there who stuggle becuase of looks
i agree. i truly am envious of them, the whole trend on tiktok where it’s like “did u lose a bet?” and it’s literally a conventionally attractive woman…😐 like please just post yourself doing a thirst trap at that point bruh there’s no need to pretend for validation.
it’s weird but i just have a weird hatred whenever i see good looking guys or girls, i wish i could be like them.
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  • #12
ur gonna be bombarded by femcels are volcels messages especialy cuz u are relativly attractrive
ikkk ugh im not a volcel even though im not subhuman, i put off men bc of my personality, im relatively high on the spectrum and notibcbly autistic once you ttm i believe thats why men arent attracted to me.
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  • #13
i agree. i truly am envious of them, the whole trend on tiktok where it’s like “did u lose a bet?” and it’s literally a conventionally attractive woman…😐 like please just post yourself doing a thirst trap at that point bruh there’s no need to pretend for validation.
it’s weird but i just have a weird hatred whenever i see good looking guys or girls, i wish i could be like them.
same its just fishing for complinments, i also i have resement towards attractive ppl, like i get that anyone can be insecure but it still vexes me
ikkk ugh im not a volcel even though im not subhuman, i put off men bc of my personality, im relatively high on the spectrum and notibcbly autistic once you ttm i believe thats why men arent attracted to me.
im low on the spectrum but men still dont like me im kinda a fakecel cuz ive had relationships but all online and with ana and sh fetishist
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  • #16
im low on the spectrum but men still dont like me im kinda a fakecel cuz ive had relationships but all online and with ana and sh fetishist
i dont consider online relationships real relationships ngl🤷‍♀️
its so annoying they call female incels volcels bc they cant fathom the fact that there are females out there who stuggle becuase of looks
they have a very black and white view, i know it can be easier for women, but they act like NO woman can struggle at all and if she does it means shes "chad only"
they have a very black and white view, i know it can be easier for women, but they act like NO woman can struggle at all and if she does it means shes "chad only"
yeah its so annoying if an ltm was interested in me and not obese or somthing id date in a heartbeat
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  • #19
they have a very black and white view, i know it can be easier for women, but they act like NO woman can struggle at all and if she does it means shes "chad only"
excatlyyy its so funny bc they say any women can get a man then in the same breath call fat women subhuman voids who no one would date, which is tru but hypocritical no😭
femcel only makes sense if:
subhuman or borderline subhuman
severely mentally ill/disabled and/or social recluse
tranny (mtf) even then you'll get tapped tbh
femcel only makes sense if:
subhuman or borderline subhuman
severely mentally ill/disabled and/or social recluse
tranny (mtf) even then you'll get tapped tbh
i WAS severly mentally ill and im a recluse so
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  • #22
femcel only makes sense if:
subhuman or borderline subhuman
severely mentally ill/disabled and/or social recluse
tranny (mtf) even then you'll get tapped tbh
severly mentally ill social recluse+terrible personality👍🏾