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Fall is here!

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  • #6
What's it like is Michigan rn in Illinois is cold rn
Not that cold. Today was the first cold day. Yesterday was hot as hell by mid day. For the past week and a half it's been cold every morning but always gets hot by noon. Today I can tell it will stay cold throughout the whole day.

We gotta make a trip to Illinois in the near future. Gotta visit the Chinese embassy in Chicago. I think we'll take the train. Never been to Chicago except through O'Hare plenty of times on connecting flights. I'm looking forward to it except for the part about not being able to legally stay strapped while I'm there.


Illinois is the cancer of the Midwest when it comes to gun laws.
Not that cold. Today was the first cold day. Yesterday was hot as hell by mid day. For the past week and a half it's been cold every morning but always gets hot by noon. Today I can tell it will stay cold throughout the whole day.

We gotta make a trip to Illinois in the near future. Gotta visit the Chinese embassy in Chicago. I think we'll take the train. Never been to Chicago except through O'Hare plenty of times on connecting flights. I'm looking forward to it except for the part about not being able to legally stay strapped while I'm there.

View attachment 39503

Illinois is the cancer of the Midwest when it comes to gun laws.
Big iron
Also the police here are lazy you should be good
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  • #9
Big iron
Also the police here are lazy you should be good
S&W 686 Plus Deluxe with a 3" barrel. 7 shots of 357 magnum.

Anyways I just can't afford to risk it. Gonna be applying for residency in another country down the road and that will screw things up royally. Plus I'll bet they get e you a pay down before boarding the train.

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