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Fasting until im not fat

I believe that with 3 days of fasting you get most of the benefits.

I personally but the most I achieved was 48 hours.

to lose weight I suggest walking more and more and more and more and more and more
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  • #5
I believe that with 3 days of fasting you get most of the benefits.

I personally but the most I achieved was 48 hours.

to lose weight I suggest walking more and more and more and more and more and more
im not eating so i can lose weight fasting is bad for health unless you normally eat carbs but i dont
won’t work (unless ur goal is to just be a smaller version of ur fat self), only focusing on eating less (calorie deficit) and not high protein + other nutritious foods to maintain or grow lean mass will make you look skinny fat. use the right foods as a tool to reach your goals.
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  • #8
won’t work (unless ur goal is to just be a smaller version of ur fat self), only focusing on eating less (calorie deficit) and not high protein + other nutritious foods to maintain or grow lean mass will make you look skinny fat. use the right foods as a tool to reach your goals.
it will work you are wrong
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  • #9
also all I care about is lossing facce fat i dont give a fuck about body girls dont care about that
it will work you are wrong
to lose weight, yes it WILL work. a calorie deficit always makes weight loss happen. BUT lean mass will decrease majorly along with fat loss when not focused on high protein + nutrient dense foods in your diet, which isn’t good. it will lead to you looking skinny fat as i stated before.
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  • #12
to lose weight, yes it WILL work. a calorie deficit always makes weight loss happen. BUT lean mass will decrease majorly along with fat loss when not focused on high protein + nutrient dense foods in your diet, which isn’t good. it will lead to you looking skinny fat as i stated before.
it will be fine you are a clueless teenager
i dont exercise so im not gonna be burning as much lean mass as some gymcel. i just need to lose absolute fat mass which will cause me to lose face fat
im not gonna have high body fat dummy
you will, skinny fat means lack of lean mass and higher fat percentage (which will happen if you just starve urself/fast and/or don’t focus on high protein and nutrient dense foods, it decreases lean mass).
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  • #16
you will, skinny fat means lack of lean mass and higher fat percentage (which will happen if you just starve urself/fast and/or don’t focus on high protein and nutrient dense foods, it decreases lean mass).
dude shut up and stop responding to me this is retarded. fucking lol if you think fasting will not burn fat stores for some reason
it will be fine you are a clueless teenager
i dont exercise so im not gonna be burning as much lean mass as some gymcel. i just need to lose absolute fat mass which will cause me to lose face fat
i’m not a clueless teenager, this is literal science bhai do research
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