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Info Fasting

Jul 23, 2024
The Wired
So I'm starting to fast today and I'm wondering if anyone else is currently fasting or wants to fast tgt. I'm thinking of just taking chia seeds with water so that I can feel full and not have the desire to eat. I'm going to be trying this out for at least 5 days so I'll definitely update you all on how it goes!!
I also wanted to provide some info on fasting and what it can do for you so I decided to make this post a educational post.


"You can always be thinner, look better" - Patrick Bateman

What is fasting?

Fasting is the practice of abstaining from food or drink for a set period of time, which can range from 12 to 24 hours, or even days. Some types of fasting allow water, tea, coffee, or a small amount of food during the fasting period. - Google

8 Health Benefits of Fasting, Backed by Science

Where did fasting originate from?
Many people say that fasting originated from ancient times where fasting was supposed to help with healing. Other people also say that fasting came from certain cultures that practiced fasting for spiritual/religious reasons.

What does fasting do to your body?
For those who don't really understand what fasting does, it basically can help with high cholesterol, lower your blood pressure, and help with weight loss.
Fasting also improves brain health and helps to delay aging. People mainly do fasting for weight loss or for religious purposes.


10 Ways to Build Healthy Bones (and Keep Them Strong) |

Fasting can also be done for religious purposes
(which I have done as well).
In the bible Esther and the jews had to fast for 3 days because their lives where about to be in danger (Esther 4:16) . David fasted all day to seek God (2 Samuel 12:16-20) and Jesus Himself has fasted for 40 days (Matthew 4:1-11).

Fasting generally entails abstaining from food, drink, and sexual relations from before the first light of dawn until the setting of the sun. Muslims are required to fast on each of the 29 to 30 days of Ramadan.


Why is Jesus Tempted in Luke 4? | Psephizo

What are the risks?
  • Fasting could lead to multiple problems which could include but are not limited to-
  • Headaches
  • Constipation
  • Malnutrition
  • Weak immune system
  • Insomnia
" Going too long without eating might actually encourage your body to start storing more fat in response to starvation. " - Mark Mattson Johns Hopkins neuroscientist

My Stomach Hurts So Bad | Causes Of Lower Abdominal Pain - Virinchi Hospitals

How should you go about fasting safely?
Some tips that you should consider for fasting
  • Talk to your doctor about fasting and plan ahead for any medications that you should take.
  • Make sure that you drink enough water throughout the day so that you don't get dehydrated.
  • Try to cut back on sugar intakes.
  • Eat wholefoods on non fasting days.
  • Don't fast for too long.
  • Immediately stop if you are starting to feel unwell and consider seeing a doctor for assistance.
  • DO NOT break fasts with feasts.
  • When you are finishing with your fasting, make sure to ease out of it and replenish your calories slowly instead of taking it in all at once.
thanks for reading my yap post and I hope that you will be able to benefit from this information !!


Very good Thread man wish you the best on your fast
So I'm starting to fast today and I'm wondering if anyone else is currently fasting or wants to fast tgt. I'm thinking of just taking chia seeds with water so that I can feel full and not have the desire to eat. I'm going to be trying this out for at least 5 days so I'll definitely update you all on how it goes!!
I also wanted to provide some info on fasting and what it can do for you so I decided to make this post a educational post.

View attachment 34503

What is fasting?

Fasting is the practice of abstaining from food or drink for a set period of time, which can range from 12 to 24 hours, or even days. Some types of fasting allow water, tea, coffee, or a small amount of food during the fasting period. - Google
View attachment 34497

8 Health Benefits of Fasting, Backed by Science

Where did fasting originate from?
Many people say that fasting originated from ancient times where fasting was supposed to help with healing. Other people also say that fasting came from certain cultures that practiced fasting for spiritual/religious reasons.

What does fasting do to your body?
For those who don't really understand what fasting does, it basically can help with high cholesterol, lower your blood pressure, and help with weight loss.
Fasting also improves brain health and helps to delay aging. People mainly do fasting for weight loss or for religious purposes.

View attachment 34499

10 Ways to Build Healthy Bones (and Keep Them Strong) |

Fasting can also be done for religious purposes
(which I have done as well).
In the bible Esther and the jews had to fast for 3 days because their lives where about to be in danger (Esther 4:16) . David fasted all day to seek God (2 Samuel 12:16-20) and Jesus Himself has fasted for 40 days (Matthew 4:1-11).

Fasting generally entails abstaining from food, drink, and sexual relations from before the first light of dawn until the setting of the sun. Muslims are required to fast on each of the 29 to 30 days of Ramadan.

View attachment 34496

Why is Jesus Tempted in Luke 4? | Psephizo

What are the risks?
  • Fasting could lead to multiple problems which could include but are not limited to-
  • Headaches
  • Constipation
  • Malnutrition
  • Weak immune system
  • Insomnia

View attachment 34502

My Stomach Hurts So Bad | Causes Of Lower Abdominal Pain - Virinchi Hospitals

How should you go about fasting safely?
Some tips that you should consider for fasting
  • Talk to your doctor about fasting and plan ahead for any medications that you should take.
  • Make sure that you drink enough water throughout the day so that you don't get dehydrated.
  • Try to cut back on sugar intakes.
  • Eat wholefoods on non fasting days.
  • Don't fast for too long.
  • Immediately stop if you are starting to feel unwell and consider seeing a doctor for assistance.
  • DO NOT break fasts with feasts.
  • When you are finishing with your fasting, make sure to ease out of it and replenish your calories slowly instead of taking it in all at once.
thanks for reading my yap post and I hope that you will be able to benefit from this information !!
View attachment 34504



from ancient india to the last century

sick were not given food
even if they are about to die
So I'm starting to fast today and I'm wondering if anyone else is currently fasting or wants to fast tgt. I'm thinking of just taking chia seeds with water so that I can feel full and not have the desire to eat. I'm going to be trying this out for at least 5 days so I'll definitely update you all on how it goes!!
I also wanted to provide some info on fasting and what it can do for you so I decided to make this post a educational post.

View attachment 34503

What is fasting?

Fasting is the practice of abstaining from food or drink for a set period of time, which can range from 12 to 24 hours, or even days. Some types of fasting allow water, tea, coffee, or a small amount of food during the fasting period. - Google
View attachment 34497

8 Health Benefits of Fasting, Backed by Science

Where did fasting originate from?
Many people say that fasting originated from ancient times where fasting was supposed to help with healing. Other people also say that fasting came from certain cultures that practiced fasting for spiritual/religious reasons.

What does fasting do to your body?
For those who don't really understand what fasting does, it basically can help with high cholesterol, lower your blood pressure, and help with weight loss.
Fasting also improves brain health and helps to delay aging. People mainly do fasting for weight loss or for religious purposes.

View attachment 34499

10 Ways to Build Healthy Bones (and Keep Them Strong) |

Fasting can also be done for religious purposes
(which I have done as well).
In the bible Esther and the jews had to fast for 3 days because their lives where about to be in danger (Esther 4:16) . David fasted all day to seek God (2 Samuel 12:16-20) and Jesus Himself has fasted for 40 days (Matthew 4:1-11).

Fasting generally entails abstaining from food, drink, and sexual relations from before the first light of dawn until the setting of the sun. Muslims are required to fast on each of the 29 to 30 days of Ramadan.

View attachment 34496

Why is Jesus Tempted in Luke 4? | Psephizo

What are the risks?
  • Fasting could lead to multiple problems which could include but are not limited to-
  • Headaches
  • Constipation
  • Malnutrition
  • Weak immune system
  • Insomnia

View attachment 34502

My Stomach Hurts So Bad | Causes Of Lower Abdominal Pain - Virinchi Hospitals

How should you go about fasting safely?
Some tips that you should consider for fasting
  • Talk to your doctor about fasting and plan ahead for any medications that you should take.
  • Make sure that you drink enough water throughout the day so that you don't get dehydrated.
  • Try to cut back on sugar intakes.
  • Eat wholefoods on non fasting days.
  • Don't fast for too long.
  • Immediately stop if you are starting to feel unwell and consider seeing a doctor for assistance.
  • DO NOT break fasts with feasts.
  • When you are finishing with your fasting, make sure to ease out of it and replenish your calories slowly instead of taking it in all at once.
thanks for reading my yap post and I hope that you will be able to benefit from this information !!
View attachment 34504


does forgetting to eat count as fasting
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