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Fat-Loss / Sixpack thread


New member
May 3, 2023
In my opinion getting lean would solve 90% of the problems guys on here have.

Not to discredit mewing or jaw surgery but if you don’t have a six pack but you get jaw surgery you’re trying to cheat the game and taking shortcuts. Your clothes will fit better, and frankly the self-discipline it takes will also leak into other areas such has like self care like taking care of eyebrows and hair, dating and just general confidence

Could also make a separate area for building muscle which is also important but frankly most guys already go the gym and have muscle under the fat, getting lean would be the game changer.

I propose there could be ideas on cutting fat via macros, interment fasting, various recipes etc. Especially from guys that have recipets and can prove they maintain a low body-fat helping out the fellow bros
In my opinion getting lean would solve 90% of the problems guys on here have.

Not to discredit mewing or jaw surgery but if you don’t have a six pack but you get jaw surgery you’re trying to cheat the game and taking shortcuts. Your clothes will fit better, and frankly the self-discipline it takes will also leak into other areas such has like self care like taking care of eyebrows and hair, dating and just general confidence

Could also make a separate area for building muscle which is also important but frankly most guys already go the gym and have muscle under the fat, getting lean would be the game changer.

I propose there could be ideas on cutting fat via macros, interment fasting, various recipes etc. Especially from guys that have recipets and can prove they maintain a low body-fat helping out the fellow bros
Being lean is just one piece of the puzzle.

I agree that being lean is important, but being lean isn't going to fix a recessed jaw, hair loss, etc.

You've gotta work on all areas to maximize your genetic potential.

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