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favourite dating app?


New member
Jun 12, 2024
org is dead rn so ill post here

what is ur favourite dating apps and why, hinge was my favourite but i got banned
im not a fan of it, the women are low quality, not worth slaying if its too easy
Yea exactly, more quantity means less quality but either way getting more matches is great for validation and quick sex, unless you’re Chris Hemsworth.
I registered for a sugar daddy dating site using pics of .org and .is users gender swapped with FaceApp. A man was offering female Zer0 $800 to spend time with him
Ion even know zero
Minecraft Bedrock Edition too
gonna try status max on insta and tiktok after my next roid blast and get popular, should be good for the insta game and to get a ltr tbh
Every relationship for me has happened due to insta or Facebook. Dating apps are only good for short term flings and sex. There is no wife building material on tinder. People use tinder when they are just out of a relationship. Cheating. Or want sex.
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Every relationship for me has happened due to insta or Facebook. Dating apps are only good for short term flings and sex. There is no wife building material on tinder. People use tinder when they are just out of a relationship. Cheating. Or want sex.
do u just make posts on ur insta and they hit u up jfl. dating apps are good for ego tbh, ive fucked htb+ from dating apps that have literally begged for me to come over or have paid for my train tickets, insane shit but good for ur ego makes u feel unstoppable

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