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JFL Fight breaks out at work between kids


Professional Thugmaxxer ( user)
Sep 12, 2024
the penitentiary
My job at this school is to watch over the kids... Today they were on a field trip. Now (as I am told by them), the fight started out with some fat 7th grader getting angry at an 8th grader for saying somethin mean. Bro apparently crashed out and attacked that 8th grader, and then he was attacked by a group of 8 8th graders. Apparently one of the 8th graders was put in a choke hold but their friends came and beat up the 7th grader. The only thing I saw was the crying 7th grader which is a hint to how bad bro got destroyed. I was forced to reprimand the 8th graders.
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My job at this school is to watch over the kids... Today they were on a field trip. Now (as I am told by them), the fight started out with some fat 7th grader getting angry at an 8th grader for saying somethin mean. Bro apparently crashed out and attacked that 8th grader, and then he was attacked by a group of 8 8th graders. Apparently one of the 8th graders was put in a choke hold but their friends came and beat up the 7th grader. The only thing I saw was the crying 7th grader which is a hint to how bad bro got destroyed. I was forced to reprimand the 8th graders.
I used to be a teacher at many training schools in China, working with kids aged 3-13. I refused to stop fights under most circumstances. If two boys wanted to go at it I would allow it. The only time I would stop a fight was if one was attacking another who didn't want to fight, or if one was on the ground continuing to get badly beaten.
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I used to be a teacher at many training schools in China, working with kids aged 3-13. I refused to stop fights under most circumstances. If two boys wanted to go at it I would allow it. The only time I would stop a fight was if one was attacking another who didn't want to fight, or if one was on the ground continuing to get badly beaten.
I would have had too or I'd be fired but I wasn't there to see it.
I would have had too or I'd be fired but I wasn't there to see it.
USA has a different mentality. Parents are really stupid about kids in America. Want all sorts of restrictions on them and cause them to be inhibited. Put em on fucking pills if they don't like school or show any trace of masculinity/unruliness. In China parents expect kids to behave like monkeys, cause they're kids. They expect boys to fight.
USA has a different mentality. Parents are really stupid about kids in America. Want all sorts of restrictions on them and cause them to be inhibited. Put em on fucking pills if they don't like school or show any trace of masculinity/unruliness. In China parents expect kids to behave like monkeys, cause they're kids. They expect boys to fight.
Holy based. Modern society screwed boys over, not allowing them to roughhouse.

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