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Discussion finding a balance


stable in the unstable
MotM Award
Established ★
Nov 10, 2024
She is great but my cousin (brother) is great too.

She wants to FT all the time and I want to play with my cousin because he is the OG

this is such a non issue, issue.

I don't want her to lose interest and I'm not sure how I should go about it.
She is great but my cousin (brother) is great too.

She wants to FT all the time and I want to play with my cousin because he is the OG

this is such a non issue, issue.

I don't want her to lose interest and I'm not sure how I should go about it.
If you have to worry about her losing interest, and she shows u that she’s losing interest, because you can’t be there all time then it’s not a good thing imo.
Distance is good for a couple. She should be okay with you choosing time with ur cousin over time with her
choose the gf bhai
cousins dgaf about u most of the time
If you have to worry about her losing interest, and she shows u that she’s losing interest, because you can’t be there all time then it’s not a good thing imo.
Distance is good for a couple. She should be okay with you choosing time with ur cousin over time with her
yeah she is cool with it, I'm gonna do it regardless anyway because bchs ain't shit but she's a good one.
yeah she is cool with it, I'm gonna do it regardless anyway because bchs ain't shit but she's a good one.
bro cousins aint shit
choose the girl
cousins aint even close family
he been there since I was a youngin

I just met the girl

bro and I got a bond that many few got.
its not supposed to be like this because one day he would drop you for a girl
you will never be able to have a girl because you won't be able to drop him