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First day back in the gym

Hit my bone workout, the easiest workout is basically just twisting your arms with a dumbell 50-65 reps 3 sets.
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  • #6
seated shoulder press with dumbbells, tricep pushdowns, lateral raises, and straight bar curls

3 sets of each, all till failure

do cardio after
While I was doing lateral raises it also felt it in my traps is this normal
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  • #7
Hit my bone workout, the easiest workout is basically just twisting your arms with a dumbell 50-65 reps 3 sets.
Is there a limit to how much you can grow your bones?
How many times a week do you recommend I should do it
3-4, like a gym session. Conservatively expect 0.7 - 2.2 or more inches over the next decade of height (fem+tib) and 4-5 Inches in arm length. Arm bones tend to respond really well. I actually have a 1.5 inch discrepancy between my right and left forearm and .5 inch discrepancy between my humerus and left humerus. I don't really know if this is genetic or what but I've been doing this method since I found about heightquest jan 2023.
3-4, like a gym session. Conservatively expect 0.7 - 2.2 or more inches over the next decade of height (fem+tib) and 4-5 Inches in arm length. Arm bones tend to respond really well. I actually have a 1.5 inch discrepancy between my right and left forearm and .5 inch discrepancy between my humerus and left humerus. I don't really know if this is genetic or what but I've been doing this method since I found about heightquest jan 2023.
Keep in mind my plates were still open.
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  • #16
3-4, like a gym session. Conservatively expect 0.7 - 2.2 or more inches over the next decade of height (fem+tib) and 4-5 Inches in arm length. Arm bones tend to respond really well. I actually have a 1.5 inch discrepancy between my right and left forearm and .5 inch discrepancy between my humerus and left humerus. I don't really know if this is genetic or what but I've been doing this method since I found about heightquest jan 2023.
Noted thanks honestly man my bones need more growth especially my wrists
Hit my bone workout, the easiest workout is basically just twisting your arms with a dumbell 50-65 reps 3 sets.
could you please elaborate?
do you mean simply holding the dumbells and twisting them? That doesnt work against gravity though
Do you have a post on this?

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