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JFL Flex subscriptions


Well-known member
Oct 21, 2024
I recently saw an instagram account that was advertising a flex subscription basically for just 5$ per month you can have someone go to exclusive events, cafes, trips, islands and concerts and let them attend the events you wanted to attend so they send you pictures and videos that you can then post on your Instagram stories and Snapchat to brag to your friends and create the fake image of you having a very exciting and adventurous life instead of the boring rotter life you be living. There are apparently quite a lot of people who had bought this to fake them being invited to some high profile New Year's eve party and they are quite popular these days. Jfl at how fake social media has become

I recently saw an instagram account that was advertising a flex subscription basically for just 5$ per month you can have someone go to exclusive events, cafes, trips, islands and concerts
i'm already NT enough to do it by myself, i even refuse some times because leave me alone
I refused a party for the new year's eve

let them attend the events you wanted to attend so they send you pictures and videos that you can then post on your Instagram stories and Snapchat to brag to your friends and create the fake image of you having a very exciting and adventurous life instead of the boring rotter life you be living
Social medias is like a resume, but we all know people who post a lot haven't any life

There are apparently quite a lot of people who had bought this to fake them being invited to some high profile New Year's eve party and they are quite popular these days. Jfl at how fake social media has become
Always been extremely fake and toxic
I have 2 to 1 ratio on Instagram with zero follower

Also some people made fun of me because I followed those femcel accounts and apparently people can't see what kinda reels you like