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Serious For those dealing with heartbreak.


Professional Thugmaxxer
Sep 12, 2024
The Penitentiary
I look at so many people and the pain they have from heartbreak. I remember back in my highschool days seeing a girl come to school with tears in her eyes everyday for weeks. Remembering that she used to look so happy with her boyfriend. What love that was there as far as I could tell seemed to be gone. I hear many say that it hurts or "it's over", "I'm done", "it's the end". However, they fail to realize what opens up from it. Infact we should embrace it and even though it may hurt us so much, it still does us good.

What may feel to us like destruction to our soul, is really a destruction for a new building; A rebuild per say. However, we should not speed through the rebuild but go over it slowly like you would checking your answers on a math test (you better). During those slow moments you think, the building that was destroyed is slowly rebuilt, softened, but in a good way, where it becomes stronger.

In till the point where you can see yourself, your building, stronger than it once was and not destroyed. Now you are better than you were before and not weary and tired, like there is a new light shining ahead, a new day. And one day, now in new light, love will find you again, not like it once was when you were heart broken, but like it will be when that day comes.

Ty for reading if you did (u prob didn't)
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I look at so many people and the pain they have from heartbreak. I remember back in my highschool days seeing a girl come to school with tears in her eyes everyday for weeks. Remembering that she used to look so happy with her boyfriend. What love that was there as far as I could tell seemed to be gone. I hear many day that it hurts or "it's over", "I'm done", "it's the end". However, they fail to realize what opens up from it. Infact we should embrace it and even though it may hurt us so much, it still does us good.

What may feel to us like destruction to our soul, is really a destruction for a new building; A rebuild per say. However, we should not speed through the rebuild but go over it slowly like you would checking your answers on a math test (you better). During those slow moments you think, the building that was destroyed is slowly rebuilt, softened, but in a good way, where it becomes stronger.

In till the point where you can see yourself, your building, stronger than it once was and not destroyed. Now you are better than you were before and not weary and tired, like there is a new light shining ahead, a new day. And one day, now in a new light, love will find you again, not like it once was when you were a heart broken, but like it will be when that day comes.

Ty for reading if you did (u prob didn't)
Well said man. In truth, kinda glad I did go through heartbreak with my past relationships, not that I wanted to but I know I had to, made me a stronger person for it. A 'sliding doors' analogy, if you will.
no such thing as love

you need to remember this at all times

rule #1 of understanding the reality of the BP
At least not in the idealised sense. We are ruled by our biology, not fairytales.
only thing close to "love" is the pheromones you smell and then the resources you receive from the relationship (that is if it's not a parasitic one and you happen to be a bimbo that doesn't realize it)

side note: every relationship is parasitic just hidden with mental gymnastics