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Rage Forum kinda dead without @i_love_roosters

Give him Jester role and make sure he's advertised as a clown and bring him back. He gets to troll and we all get to see him as a joke so he's immune to most things. Make it a very rare role that only particular characters receive with enough votes. @Dean[/USER[ATTACH type="full"]31701[/ATTACH]


  • Screenshot_20240614_211216_Chrome.jpg
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Give him Jester role and make sure he's advertised as a clown and bring him back. He gets to troll and we all get to see him as a joke so he's immune to most things. Make it a very rare role that only particular characters receive with enough votes. @Dean[/USER[ATTACH type="full"]31701[/ATTACH]
I've been more than generous with letting him stay and his threats to doxx other people got tiresome

I'm open to changing my mind, but I haven't seen a good reason to do it.
I've been more than generous with letting him stay and his threats to doxx other people got tiresome

I'm open to changing my mind, but I haven't seen a good reason to do it.
I'm just playing anyways. The dox is too far.
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