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News Forum Software Update


You are the greatest project you’ll ever work on.
Mar 17, 2019
Texas, USA
Instagram: looksmaxxing
Order of Nihil
Hey guys,

I've made some updates to the forum, there are a few things that are broken (i.e. borders), but I'm working on having those fixed.

The forum should be faster now, and you can now find trending content on the forum home page.

Let me know if you find any bugs / issues and I'll look to try and fix them.

I can't be using this site anymore until the bright white screen can be made dark again. I like using when I'm laying down in bed about to go to sleep, like right now.
You can change it still
Hey guys,

I've made some updates to the forum, there are a few things that are broken (i.e. borders), but I'm working on having those fixed.

The forum should be faster now, and you can now find trending content on the forum home page.

Let me know if you find any bugs / issues and I'll look to try and fix them.

i hate this new update
its shit
bring back the older version
Hey guys,

I've made some updates to the forum, there are a few things that are broken (i.e. borders), but I'm working on having those fixed.

The forum should be faster now, and you can now find trending content on the forum home page.

Let me know if you find any bugs / issues and I'll look to try and fix them.

Hello Dean. I sent an email. I don't know if you saw it. I said" Hello. I would like to ask if we could have a chat like discord and have servers. I promise the website will grow like that. Hopefully, you can take this into an idea ". -- $cok
1) Screenshot 2025-01-11 125848 (1).jpg
also jfl prefix lacks the emoji, is instead redacted

2) also idk how to explain it, but sometimes when i hover over the react feature, it makes two lines of clumped up emojis instead of one line
like this:
2 lined (random occurence:
normal 1 lined:

3) sometimes highlight option is difficult to see, and dark reader doesnt work, when i refresh the page it just switches between system default and dark reader

4) glow title doesnt work
Last edited:
1) View attachment 61772
also jfl prefix lacks the emoji, is instead redacted

2) also idk how to explain it, but sometimes when i hover over the react feature, it makes two lines of clumped up emojis instead of one line
like this:
2 lined (random occurence:
normal 1 lined:

3) sometimes highlight option is difficult to see, and dark reader doesnt work, when i refresh the page it just switches between system default and dark reader

4) glow title doesnt work
dark reader works fine
change system setting to light
Those hours without the forum ... Grueling. But I'm glad it's back ty dean
I was working as fast as I could to get things up :copium:
my shit is stuck on black and I miss my white mode

this is depressing
Did you fix it @Axii?
Hello Dean. I sent an email. I don't know if you saw it. I said" Hello. I would like to ask if we could have a chat like discord and have servers. I promise the website will grow like that. Hopefully, you can take this into an idea ". -- $cok
We already have a discord, it's inactive though
1) View attachment 61772
also jfl prefix lacks the emoji, is instead redacted

2) also idk how to explain it, but sometimes when i hover over the react feature, it makes two lines of clumped up emojis instead of one line
like this:
2 lined (random occurence:
normal 1 lined:

3) sometimes highlight option is difficult to see, and dark reader doesnt work, when i refresh the page it just switches between system default and dark reader

4) glow title doesnt work
Thanks @sigma :peepoLove:

What do you mean with the 4th point? What does glow title refer to?
I was working as fast as I could to get things up :copium:

Did you fix it @Axii?

We already have a discord, it's inactive though

Thanks @sigma :peepoLove:

What do you mean with the 4th point? What does glow title refer to?
thing is dean I can't access it and people who come to the website will be able to talk on the website as well people will definitely talk on the website.
thing is dean I can't access it and people who come to the website will be able to talk on the website as well people will definitely talk on the website.
For sure, we could definitely start something like that up again if you'd like.
For sure, we could definitely start something like that up again if you'd like.
Omg really yes I even have the best ideas for it and how it could look I promise I can give some good ideas (grammar bad cause it's not that serious as of rn sorry)
I was working as fast as I could to get things up :copium:

Did you fix it @Axii?

We already have a discord, it's inactive though

Thanks @sigma :peepoLove:

What do you mean with the 4th point? What does glow title refer to?
The username color selecter, the glow option
Thanks @sigma :peepoLove:

What do you mean with the 4th point? What does glow title refer to?
No problem
For the 4th point, this:
  • No selection
  • Neon Blue
  • Neon Green
  • Neon Pink
  • Neon Purple
  • Black
  • White (White)
  • Gold
  • Glow