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friends w/ autism


Jul 22, 2024
i have this friend with autism that always shows up to my house and does dumb shit. tonight he texted me 'Gym' (he isnt even saved in my contacts) and i was having a really bad day today so i was kinda just like sure why the fuck not i have nothing to do so i just pulled up across the street where this local apartment complex is and they have a gym and we usually just knock on the window to get some dude to let us in or someone who doesnt gaf just lets us in and we say we forgot our keys or whatever and we live in *points to random building* over there

it was 8:30 pm and and there was no one inside so he called his friend that lives in the cmplex to let us in. he said he would in 20 minutes since he's taking a bath or whatever so he's like hey i know what we can do and behind the complex there's this kind of trail that leads back to this lake, and behind the lake there's this big oil rig industrial thing idk what to call it and go down a little further and there's a food lion. at this point we're 15 or so meters next to this highway seperated by a few trees and it's pretty fucking dark so cars are just kinda whizzing by us with their bright ass headlights and my friend has his phone out w/ flash just walking around and then this car just stops in the middle of the fucking road. just stops. for no reason. i point at it like "what the fuck are they doing" and i see a car door open and i just start fucking running

me and him run all the way to the parking lot of the food lion and as i'm walking into the food lion i check my pockets and my phone is fcking GONE just like no phone so we go back to where i was running and we find it shortly after and we go into the food lion and fuck around. he's low inhib cuz autism so he's always screaming and shit in public like in neighborhoods and supermarkets and stuff and tonight is zero exception so i'm kinda there with him while he's dancing and laughing and saying random shit. i had no money on me and he had like 25$ so he just bought me and him some chips or whatever and he fucked off and walked back to the gym to then his friend that got out of the bath let us in.

we eat, throw weight around, there's no one in there so we're fucking around, we fuck off, i say bye to him and i ran home.

there was also this one time where he hit me up and we walked to this gym nearby, not the same one cuz noone let us in and we tried to get in but couldn't, meanwhile there is this old ass lady and her daughter driving by us asking us if we live here and whatever, being a karen. we go into the front and walk past these two individuals sat down in the room across (interview or something), and we try to get into the gym there but it's locked. i figure there's no way we're getting in this bitch so i'm like hey peace and, as i go to fuck off and go home, i see the same fuck-ass granny talking to the two individuals we just walked past and i can make out a few bits of sentences like "these two boys" and "gym" and "they're probably in there right now" so, of course my dumbass dashes out of the building. my friend shortly follows and he runs the fuck out, he's like "RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN" and as we're running his autistic ass makes a 90 degree turn into this stairwell part of the apartment complex, and he slips on mud and eats SHIT on the pavement, we both split and run home and then i stop running and i take like an hour to walk home because we walked THAT far to this complex (i do anything he says), at some point i have to take my shoes off cuz my feet begin to burn from running so much

i get home, my feet fucking burn like shit, take a nap

he always hits me up asking if i wanna watch a movie or whatever too cuz at this apartment complex there's this FIRE ass movie theatre he happens to work at. we bought food n shit and watched star wars and got high n fucked around cuz there was like 1 person there. walked home at midnight. this ones boring.
You have a friend with autism who often invites you on random adventures. One night, after a rough day, he texted you “Gym,” and you agreed to meet up. You went to a local apartment gym you usually sneak into, but no one was there to let you in. While waiting, you explored a nearby trail, ending up near a highway when a car suddenly stopped. You panicked and ran, losing your phone but finding it later.

After grabbing snacks, you returned to the gym and messed around before heading home. You also recalled a time when you were caught sneaking into another gym by an older woman, leading to a chaotic escape. Your friend often invites you to watch movies at the theater where he works, and you’ve had laid-back nights there goofing off and watching Star Wars.
You have a friend with autism who often invites you on random adventures. One night, after a rough day, he texted you “Gym,” and you agreed to meet up. You went to a local apartment gym you usually sneak into, but no one was there to let you in. While waiting, you explored a nearby trail, ending up near a highway when a car suddenly stopped. You panicked and ran, losing your phone but finding it later.

After grabbing snacks, you returned to the gym and messed around before heading home. You also recalled a time when you were caught sneaking into another gym by an older woman, leading to a chaotic escape. Your friend often invites you to watch movies at the theater where he works, and you’ve had laid-back nights there goofing off and watching Star Wars.
Dnr serious this time no hate
You have a friend with autism who often invites you on random adventures. One night, after a rough day, he texted you “Gym,” and you agreed to meet up. You went to a local apartment gym you usually sneak into, but no one was there to let you in. While waiting, you explored a nearby trail, ending up near a highway when a car suddenly stopped. You panicked and ran, losing your phone but finding it later.

After grabbing snacks, you returned to the gym and messed around before heading home. You also recalled a time when you were caught sneaking into another gym by an older woman, leading to a chaotic escape. Your friend often invites you to watch movies at the theater where he works, and you’ve had laid-back nights there goofing off and watching Star Wars.
for the goldfish cels type shit
i have this friend with autism that always shows up to my house and does dumb shit. tonight he texted me 'Gym' (he isnt even saved in my contacts) and i was having a really bad day today so i was kinda just like sure why the fuck not i have nothing to do so i just pulled up across the street where this local apartment complex is and they have a gym and we usually just knock on the window to get some dude to let us in or someone who doesnt gaf just lets us in and we say we forgot our keys or whatever and we live in *points to random building* over there

it was 8:30 pm and and there was no one inside so he called his friend that lives in the cmplex to let us in. he said he would in 20 minutes since he's taking a bath or whatever so he's like hey i know what we can do and behind the complex there's this kind of trail that leads back to this lake, and behind the lake there's this big oil rig industrial thing idk what to call it and go down a little further and there's a food lion. at this point we're 15 or so meters next to this highway seperated by a few trees and it's pretty fucking dark so cars are just kinda whizzing by us with their bright ass headlights and my friend has his phone out w/ flash just walking around and then this car just stops in the middle of the fucking road. just stops. for no reason. i point at it like "what the fuck are they doing" and i see a car door open and i just start fucking running

me and him run all the way to the parking lot of the food lion and as i'm walking into the food lion i check my pockets and my phone is fcking GONE just like no phone so we go back to where i was running and we find it shortly after and we go into the food lion and fuck around. he's low inhib cuz autism so he's always screaming and shit in public like in neighborhoods and supermarkets and stuff and tonight is zero exception so i'm kinda there with him while he's dancing and laughing and saying random shit. i had no money on me and he had like 25$ so he just bought me and him some chips or whatever and he fucked off and walked back to the gym to then his friend that got out of the bath let us in.

we eat, throw weight around, there's no one in there so we're fucking around, we fuck off, i say bye to him and i ran home.

there was also this one time where he hit me up and we walked to this gym nearby, not the same one cuz noone let us in and we tried to get in but couldn't, meanwhile there is this old ass lady and her daughter driving by us asking us if we live here and whatever, being a karen. we go into the front and walk past these two individuals sat down in the room across (interview or something), and we try to get into the gym there but it's locked. i figure there's no way we're getting in this bitch so i'm like hey peace and, as i go to fuck off and go home, i see the same fuck-ass granny talking to the two individuals we just walked past and i can make out a few bits of sentences like "these two boys" and "gym" and "they're probably in there right now" so, of course my dumbass dashes out of the building. my friend shortly follows and he runs the fuck out, he's like "RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN" and as we're running his autistic ass makes a 90 degree turn into this stairwell part of the apartment complex, and he slips on mud and eats SHIT on the pavement, we both split and run home and then i stop running and i take like an hour to walk home because we walked THAT far to this complex (i do anything he says), at some point i have to take my shoes off cuz my feet begin to burn from running so much

i get home, my feet fucking burn like shit, take a nap

he always hits me up asking if i wanna watch a movie or whatever too cuz at this apartment complex there's this FIRE ass movie theatre he happens to work at. we bought food n shit and watched star wars and got high n fucked around cuz there was like 1 person there. walked home at midnight. this ones boring.
did read
sounds fun
whyd the granny call ya out
jeez im mirin the 1:23 post to rep ratio, being lightskin is clearly the meta

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