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Rage Fuck school


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2023
Ngas made me comr 9am just to say my leassons r cancelled untill 12am and I cant even go home bc that takes 1h 30min. Fml

Spam this thread with somr weird facts or sum shit
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Always bring a book or your phone

Everything in HS is basic and easy, you only need minimal revision in your finals, never waste precious time there.
Educational system in my homeland is doomed too. Nobody ever tried to improve anything, schools are always the same they used to be, nothing changes. old teachers, they are forced to rate kids out of the scale of ten, but numbers can’t express anything, bro, they can't show well anything starting from our toil, work, our knowledge and so on. Teachers always tend to be very subjective and biased. They manipulate and threat kids with marks because many children have a big pressure about marks from their family, and there are many kids who always get "tens" but whenever they got a nine, their eyes got teared up,yea ik thats psychological factor too, when u are used to smth and hop disappointment but.... We cheat and we only study for those numbers and then we don't remember anything. But what is to remember? Good question too. we are asked to learn every 7-8 subjects equally on a high level but, at the end of the day we don't know anything. For example, Sherlock Holmes was professional and excellent in his own job and work, but he didn't know anything about space or so on, he had very limited knowledge outside of this sphere. Ofc, they should give us basic general knowledge and during that, gradually, kids will formulate their main interests, they see in their future and then they should let us follow them more on a high level and not every ten subjects on equally high level, it's impossible, bro! :sadcat:
education is kike brainwash
Its brainwash but has nothing to do with Jews. It was adopted from the Prussian system and implemented by industrialists. Intended to turn kids into wageslaves.

School is only to get kids used to getting up early, going to a place they don't want to be, and doing stuff they don't want to do eight hours a day five days a week.
Its brainwash but has nothing to do with Jews. It was adopted from the Prussian system and implemented by industrialists. Intended to turn kids into wageslaves.

School is only to get kids used to getting up early, going to a place they don't want to be, a d doing stuff they don't want to do eight hours a day five days a week.
School prepares you to go against nature for the rest of your life, depriving you of all of your natural instincts when you are young
Will you exempt him from it? How does that work?
Homeschool. My wife is a full time stay at home mother and she will teach him. We'll be living in Cambodia by the time he comes of age and she'll just teach him herself a few hours out of every day. English, Chinese, Math, science and history.

We'll do it the same way a lot of missionaries do when living abroad with their kids. Just teach him ourselves without any kind of accredited curriculum. Only for the four years of highschool will we subscribe to an online American style curriculum for him to study at his own pace.
Homeschool. My wife is a full time stay at home mother and she will teach him. We'll be living in Cambodia by the time he comes of age and she'll just teach him herself a few hours out of every day. English, Chinese, Math, science and history.

We'll do it the same way a lot of missionaries do when living abroad with their kids. Just teach him ourselves without any kind of accredited curriculum. Only for the four years of highschool will we subscribe to an online American style curriculum for him to study at his own pace.
mirin. i wanna do the same for my kids

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