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Experience fucked a white bitch and a black bitch at the same

Nutted in a dead a bitch before cremating her call that shit Krispy Kreme πŸ’€
smacked the fuck out of the special ed girl call that shit smackdown πŸ’€πŸ’€
are u fr? make sure it doesnt have rabies

when i was kid my classmates would call me squirrel because of my height and whenever they saw one they would say "look its your family!"
It was born in my suit
My lil sister raised with the help of my mother
are u fr? make sure it doesnt have rabies

when i was kid my classmates would call me squirrel because of my height and whenever they saw one they would say "look its your family!"
are u fr? make sure it doesnt have rabies

when i was kid my classmates would call me squirrel because of my height and whenever they saw one they would say "look its your family!"
I think it was not cause of height

It was cause of recessed chin and mandible like squirrels

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