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Poll Genie grants you one of these for things. What are you choosing?


  • +6 inches Height

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • Penis +4 inches length and 2 inches girth

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • +30 IQ

    Votes: 5 33.3%
  • +1.5 PSL

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • 2 million euros/dollars taxfree

    Votes: 5 33.3%

  • Total voters
I dont think that thats a wise choice except if you already have an IQ of 150+ and even then it only gets worse with autism and stuff
having high IQ does not equal to autism
and IQ only matters if it is under 90 or above 150. Im not exactly sure of my own IQ, but I know 30 points would be enough for me to have 150+
It's a tie between IQ and Looks tbh. Ignorance is a bliss, and I would be the same lazy bastard anyways. Astrosky mogs by choosing kindness and aura.
It's a tie between IQ and Looks tbh. Ignorance is a bliss, and I would be the same lazy bastard anyways. Astrosky mogs by choosing kindness and aura.
Some will call that weak. It's extremely far from the case. I'm physically strong and very forthcoming. I'm an unstoppable wave and I will force my influence on others when it becomes the right time. Just because I want to be kind and sweet doesn't mean I won't be steadfast and stern. It gets more intense the stronger I become too. I want to be a jacked chad who helps others and stands up for the weak and even the ones who want to climb too. I'll never push someone down because I feel bad. All are free to climb higher and I will use my time to push them towards higher places when I have the chance.
Some will call that weak. It's extremely far from the case. I'm physically strong and very forthcoming. I'm an unstoppable wave and I will force my influence on others when it becomes the right time. Just because I want to be kind and sweet doesn't mean I won't be steadfast and stern. It gets more intense the stronger I become too. I want to be a jacked chad who helps others and stands up for the weak and even the ones who want to climb too. I'll never push someone down because I feel bad. All are free to climb higher and I will use my time to push them towards higher places when I have the chance.
PSL people laughing at Sean o Pry for telling truth about being kind to each other is crazy to me. Positivity and kindness must be spread, there is no reason to be toxic and stinky.