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Serious Getting my nose filler rn currently

interested to see this, you are doing this during the school year?
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  • #11
Or are you gonna take the week off till the swelling stops
It’s saturday right now, I’ll have 2 days to help the swelling. And yes I’ll go to school all of next week, and next weekend the full results should be in or close to in.
interested to see this, you are doing this during the school year?
Unfortunately. Wish I did it 2 weeks prior because then I would’ve had a stronger first impression but atleats I was still able to get jt.
It’s saturday right now, I’ll have 2 days to help the swelling. And yes I’ll go to school all of next week, and next weekend the full results should be in or close to in.

Unfortunately. Wish I did it 2 weeks prior because then I would’ve had a stronger first impression but atleats I was still able to get jt.
Do you think anyone will notice?
Als how many PSL points do yo think it will ascend
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  • #14
Do you think anyone will notice?
Definitely not, no one really pays attention to your nose IRL unless it’s insanely big. Even me as a blackpiller, I can’t tell you the last time I looked at someone’s nose. It was only once this school year so far but that’s because someone said “that guy has a big nose” and when I looked, he admittedly had one of the most hooked noses i’ve ever seen.
Als how many PSL points do yo think it will ascend
Maybe .2-.5 depending on how good the results are. It’s defintely a big upgrade because it makes me look wayyyyyyyy less ethnic. Even my mom told me on the way back that I looked white rather than mexican now.
