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girlfailure yap of the day


Jul 7, 2024
i cannot win.

my actual dream for the future:
- be a game dev
- get married
- work from home
- live somewhere pretty and rural
- 3 kids 2 pets and my husband

but if i say that..
- “you need to do something productive with your life!!”
- getting called a pick me
- men who want a trad wife being creepy

but if i lie and say i want to have a career that makes more money or something else i get told i should be a traditional woman.

Don't share your plans, keep it only for you.
Other girls will makes you miserable if you don't end up like them, especially nowadays : wanting to be a trad woman & a marriage is seen as a bad thing. Normally (in their mindset) to be liberated from men, you need to become the quick pump&dump of them, (how ironic) their quick hookup. Just to be mad at them if men act the way they wanted.

So i would say, don't share your plans because people will brings you down, focus on your dream job, your career and only accept men dates if it's for mariage and long term commitment from them

And you'll be good. You always winning if you keep your goals to yourself
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  • #8
Don't share your plans, keep it only for you.
Other girls will makes you miserable if you don't end up like them, especially nowadays : wanting to be a trad woman & a marriage is seen as a bad thing. Normally (in their mindset) to be liberated from men, you need to become the quick pump&dump of them, (how ironic) their quick hookup. Just to be mad at them if men act the way they wanted.

So i would say, don't share your plans because people will brings you down, focus on your dream job, your career and only accept men dates if it's for mariage and long term commitment from them

And you'll be good. You always winning if you keep your goals to yourself
this is so real, people want to be liberated from men and be equal from them but only interact with them for sex and dont view them as people
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #9
Don't share your plans, keep it only for you.
Other girls will makes you miserable if you don't end up like them, especially nowadays : wanting to be a trad woman & a marriage is seen as a bad thing. Normally (in their mindset) to be liberated from men, you need to become the quick pump&dump of them, (how ironic) their quick hookup. Just to be mad at them if men act the way they wanted.

So i would say, don't share your plans because people will brings you down, focus on your dream job, your career and only accept men dates if it's for mariage and long term commitment from them

And you'll be good. You always winning if you keep your goals to yourself
also good advice ty
this is so real, people want to be liberated from men and be equal from them but only interact with them for sex and dont view them as people
It's sadly quite the opposite, women accepted that as a part or their "freedom" but just ended up as the little objects of men
They view the guys they're attracted to as people
literally won at life
i wish I was born as either a woman or a midget

At 5'3 with my bones I would be a fogger foid, or atleast as a male midget i could be a slayer of midget stacies, but no instead I was cursed to be a teramanlet moid

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