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Girls are obsessed with incels


13 inches or it’s over
Established ★★
Oct 11, 2024
Im not a coping incel but the title is true. Girls make huge deals about incel/ looksmax forums, what incels think, or if they get posted and find out they make a huge deal of it for extra attention. Even this cringe tiktok female exageratted her presence on org and pretended that incels said they would r**e her or shit, nah bro, they were calling you mid and overrated becky I literally remember. Sure they wouldnt touch an incel date or fuck them but they love the idea of loser’s worshipping them, it just shows how low women stoop for perceived validation

Typical female/ leftist thinking in extremes and its cringe as hell
Im not a coping incel but the title is true. Girls make huge deals about incel/ looksmax forums, what incels think, or if they get posted and find out they make a huge deal of it for extra attention. Even this cringe tiktok female exageratted her presence on org and pretended that incels said they would r**e her or shit, nah bro, they were calling you mid and overrated becky I literally remember. Sure they wouldnt touch an incel date or fuck them but they love the idea of loser’s worshipping them, it just shows how low women stoop for perceived validation

Typical female/ leftist thinking in extremes and its cringe as hell
it was andrew ate

i have seen that video too
Im not a coping incel but the title is true. Girls make huge deals about incel/ looksmax forums, what incels think, or if they get posted and find out they make a huge deal of it for extra attention. Even this cringe tiktok female exageratted her presence on org and pretended that incels said they would r**e her or shit, nah bro, they were calling you mid and overrated becky I literally remember. Sure they wouldnt touch an incel date or fuck them but they love the idea of loser’s worshipping them, it just shows how low women stoop for perceived validation

Typical female/ leftist thinking in extremes and its cringe as hell
Okay but there are also a lot of men who do so
What does this mean?
I know what men do , the worst they do is get validation from fat girls while women brag about incels. Fat women> incels. Women are more focussed on validation and used to / expecting being pursued
I know what men do , the worst they do is get validation from fat girls while women brag about incels. Fat women> incels. Women are more focussed on validation and used to / expecting being pursued
In the end of the day all this yapping is useless. Yes women like validation, so what? Life goes on. Just don’t be the incel who gives the validation if it bothers you
In the end of the day all this yapping is useless. Yes women like validation, so what? Life goes on. Just don’t be the incel who gives the validation if it bothers you
God you are insufferable. Why would I validate desperate women if I made this thread. Holy retardation at this femcel
God you are insufferable. Why would I validate desperate women if I made this thread. Holy retardation at this femcel
The earth is still spinnnning haha

No literally what’s your problem with me?😭 I agreed to your point and just added the fact that there are also men who do the same
Based @neymar take... even the word "incel" word is a big stretch in the sorority nowadays
Im not a coping incel but the title is true. Girls make huge deals about incel/ looksmax forums, what incels think, or if they get posted and find out they make a huge deal of it for extra attention. Even this cringe tiktok female exageratted her presence on org and pretended that incels said they would r**e her or shit, nah bro, they were calling you mid and overrated becky I literally remember. Sure they wouldnt touch an incel date or fuck them but they love the idea of loser’s worshipping them, it just shows how low women stoop for perceived validation

Typical female/ leftist thinking in extremes and its cringe as hell
Honestly who gives a fuck about what they think really.
LTN =\ incel
Dumb ass
Majority of men in real life usually marry women on their level.

Chads in reap life are rare to find I.e people like prime Brad Pitt or Jeremy Meeks are super rare to find. These guys are like 1 in 100,000 men

It's like penis size finding guys who are 8.5 plus inches are rare to find both on black and white men.

If we look at it on statistics prepective.
Yeah they do... After they've been dicked down by the entire campus during their party years
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I do agree that modern women aren't really wife material or long term relationship.

But that's why I'm doing penis enlargement and will just stick to women with a low body count.

For example, I'm a passport bro and my ex girlfriend was highly religious. I was 22 and she was 20 at the time

Just depends on you date. Usually women I date trend to be highly conservative like Christian or Muslim.

But hey bro I don't make the game I just change it.