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glasses ?

Honestly, you look better and cuter without glasses. Unfortunately, I have minus too and I have to wear them or contacts, I think I look a lot better without them. BUT if you have eyesight problems, u better wear glasses or lenses because if u dont wear them it will get worse... some people look good with them tho but, it's really individual, it should suit ya face shape and so on. Also some glasses make our eyes look bigger and weirder. :peeporiot:
I think no glasses. I wear glasses and a lot of times, it makes my face look really different. Almost too nerdlike and my nose looks bigger somehow lol. But if those are prescription glasses and you need them to see, I would say just wear them; there's no point in being blind just to look beautiful lol
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I think no glasses. I wear glasses and a lot of times, it makes my face look really different. Almost too nerdlike and my nose looks bigger somehow lol. But if those are prescription glasses and you need them to see, I would say just wear them; there's no point in being blind just to look beautiful lol
i think they have contacts in my perscription so i can ask about them at my next apoitment

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