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Well-known member
Jun 20, 2024
Good looking autistic guys are “chill, relaxed, funny, mysterious and interesting, which are autistic personality traits and they’re main character

All the autistic good looking dudes I know were funny, mysterious, and chill

Everyone is also centered and drawn towards them
Trust me all the autistic guys are to themselves but are hella funny and humorous when they aren’t
nope i knew 3 people in my middle school class who were diagnosed as autistic
they were not chill
one of them never showers, has greasy hair, smells bad, and is annoying to others and steals their belongings and is a rule breaker, he knows he gets away with it, he is self aware
another one steals and is annoying too and always makes messes and never cleans them
another is always screaming and being loud and annoying and always having mood swings and she was gay
nope i knew 3 people in my middle school class who were diagnosed as autistic
they were not chill
one of them never showers, has greasy hair, smells bad, and is annoying to others and steals their belongings and is a rule breaker, he knows he gets away with it, he is self aware
another one steals and is annoying too and always makes messes and never cleans them
another is always screaming and being loud and annoying and always having mood swings and she was gay
freakshow class
People who know nothing about autism talk about it way too often. Autism factually leads to worse social skills. "High functioning" autists can concentrate on one task and do it very good, that's all

You can literally google the definition of this word and when it is diagnosed
this is not autism. this is the opposite of autism, because most of the autistic kids aren’t self aware enough of this. At my school, the autistic kids are all dumb both academically and socially, they get bad grades and loudly talk all class about Roblox and computers. Some of them are like high mtn-low htn in terms of bones, but like someone else mentioned, are not socially or self aware enough to take care of themselves, are greasy and dirty and generally poorly styled. Also usually they are beta and have no interest in sports or the gym, so they are all klinefelter build with fat stomachs and hips plus skinny ass arms. If they were NT, they would all be htn and get girls.
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  • #10
this is not autism. this is the opposite of autism, because most of the autistic kids aren’t self aware enough of this. At my school, the autistic kids are all dumb both academically and socially, they get bad grades and loudly talk all class about Roblox and computers. Some of them are like high mtn-low htn in terms of bones, but like someone else mentioned, are not socially or self aware enough to take care of themselves, are greasy and dirty and generally poorly styled. Also usually they are beta and have no interest in sports or the gym, so they are all klinefelter build with fat stomachs and hips plus skinny ass arms. If they were NT, they would all be htn and get girls.
Key word: GOOD LOOKING autists

do you retards have a reading disability, retardation, or both?
nope i knew 3 people in my middle school class who were diagnosed as autistic
they were not chill
one of them never showers, has greasy hair, smells bad, and is annoying to others and steals their belongings and is a rule breaker, he knows he gets away with it, he is self aware
another one steals and is annoying too and always makes messes and never cleans them
another is always screaming and being loud and annoying and always having mood swings and she was gay
Key word: GOOD LOOKING autists

do you retards have a reading disability, retardation, or both?
even if they were good looking, maybe high functioning and their parents forced them to be healthy do sports and shower, that doesnt change the fact that they have terrible social skills. being attractive doesnt make you nonchalant, chilling mysterious, especially if you have autism
Key word: GOOD LOOKING autists

do you retards have a reading disability, retardation, or both?

You didn’t even read, I said that they had htn bones but are cucked by not caring what they look like BECAUSE THEY ARE AUTISTIC

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  • #13
even if they were good looking, maybe high functioning and their parents forced them to be healthy do sports and shower, that doesnt change the fact that they have terrible social skills. being attractive doesnt make you nonchalant, chilling mysterious, especially if you have autism
Terrible social skills and low iq is another way to say chill, funny, nonchalant, and mysterious

You don’t get it, probably because u haven’t talked to much people you lonely fat fuck
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  • #14
Terrible social skills and low iq is what makes good looking autist be seen as chill, funny, nonchalant, and mysterious

You don’t get it, probably because u haven’t talked to much people you lonely fat f**k

You didn’t even read, I said that they had htn bones but are cucked by not caring what they look like BECAUSE THEY ARE AUTISTIC

Terrible social skills and low iq is another way to say chill, funny, nonchalant, and mysterious

You don’t get it, probably because u haven’t talked to much people you lonely fat f**k
don’t act like you talk to people

terrible social skills =/ chill, it equals high inhib and insecure
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  • #22
click on your profile and go to find threads. its all of them
All the good looking autists I know are people who are funny (autist trait) endeared for being quirky/different, (another autistic trait) don’t say too much, keep to themselves, which is another autistic trait (mysterious) and dumb and low inhib, which is another autist trait
don’t act like you talk to people

terrible social skills =/ chill, it equals high inhib and insecure
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  • #24
All the good looking autists I know are people who are funny (autist trait) endeared for being quirky/different, (another autistic trait) don’t say too much, keep to themselves, which is another autistic trait (mysterious) and dumb and low inhib, which is another autist trait
dumb and quirky are the only autist traits listed there

how is funny, keeping to one self, and being low inhib autistic? all comedians and shy people must be autistic then
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  • #27
dumb and quirky are the only autist traits listed there

how is funny, keeping to one self, and being low inhib autistic? all comedians and shy people must be autistic then
Autistic people say dumb things which by people find funny

Autistic people keep to themselves and are good at one thing

All the autistic gl guys which are labeled nt and mysterious have many autistic traits that most people ignore
again u wouldn’t understand because u don’t know that much people
Autistic people say dumb things which by people find funny
no they dont
Autistic people keep to themselves and are good at one thing
half the time they keep to themselves the other half they are annoying people. they only keep to themselves if they have an electronic device or toy in front of them
All the autistic gl guys which are labeled nt and mysterious have many autistic traits that most people ignore
again u wouldn’t understand because u don’t know that much people
i would know
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  • #29
no they dont

half the time they keep to themselves the other half they are annoying people. they only keep to themselves if they have an electronic device or toy in front of them

i would know
They tend to unnecessarily overshare only PERSONAL and not PRIVATE information a few times

All the chill good looking guys who are secretly just autistic use to say less and then randomly go off about something else in the conversation”


“Vapes give me a high that lasts only about 10 minutes”

Chill (but just autistic) HTN-
/CL/Chad: “back in- uh, Los Angeles, yeah the city I used to live in, we used to smoke these carts called Fryds, they were the color rainbow and had a button on them.”

Another example: “I can’t swim in Lake (lagoon) I’m gonna drown”

Autistic “chill” Chad: “the water is about 30 feet deep but if you lay on your back you’re gonna float”

He sounded slow every time he barely talked and his voice and face was very nonchalant
They tend to unnecessarily overshare only PERSONAL and not PRIVATE information a few times

All the chill good looking guys who are secretly just autistic use to say less and then randomly go off about something else in the conversation”


“Vapes give me a high that lasts only about 10 minutes”

Chill (but just autistic) HTN-
/CL/Chad: “back in- uh, Los Angeles, yeah the city I used to live in, we used to smoke these carts called Fryds, they were the color rainbow and had a button on them.”

Another example: “I can’t swim in Lake (lagoon) I’m gonna drown”

Autistic “chill” Chad: “the water is about 30 feet deep but if you lay on your back you’re gonna float”

He sounded slow every time he barely talked and his voice and face was very nonchalant
then theyre good at social skills and are good storytellers and communicators
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  • #32
then theyre good at social skills and are good storytellers and communicators
Can’t forget when an autistic “chill” good looking guy randomly blurted “oh yall chose to dickride today, not tomorrow not the day after but today” and it sounded chill/funny

If an ugly guy said that it would’ve be corny and retarded
Good looking autistic guys are “chill, relaxed, funny, mysterious and interesting, which are autistic personality traits and they’re main character

All the autistic good looking dudes I know were funny, mysterious, and chill

Everyone is also centered and drawn towards them
Good looking autistic guys are “chill, relaxed, funny, mysterious and interesting, which are autistic personality traits and they’re main character

All the autistic good looking dudes I know were funny, mysterious, and chill

Everyone is also centered and drawn towards them
You don’t have the actual definition of an autistic person. Literally stunted mental development. Poor perception of morals hygiene and school stuff. Literally the people taking life skills classes at 15
You don’t have the actual definition of an autistic person. Literally stunted mental development. Poor perception of morals hygiene and school stuff. Literally the people taking life skills classes at 15
Got diagnosed at 10 and then again at 25

Autism means you have too much NMDA receptor activity which basically means your brain is too active

As a result they tend to shut down entire faculties just so they're not overwhelmed

But which faculties is different for each one

So you might end up lacking social skills and all that
Or you might actually be hypersocial, because you're highly sensitive to social cues, but have no physicality
Or you might have fine social and physicality but 0 artistic ability and can't stand supermarkets or something

It all depends on how your highly sensitive genotype develops into a differentiated phenotype

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