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Rage Gotta give up on the idea of finding cool people online


Well-known member
Jun 24, 2024
Everyone online is a loser.

No need to find a server or a forum site with cool people ,cause they simply don't exist.
Ideally you shouldn't hang out with the type of people that just have the .com tab or the furry discord server window pulled up.

I should give up on the idea of finding "based and redpilled" people online or simply people that will even help me view things differently,cause they don't exist.Its not based to rot online.Of course some exists (it's not you) but at the end of the day ,well adjusted people ,normies as we'll call them ,are just living in real life.

Maybe I'm projecting but I feel like most people online just prioritise the internet over real life. It's weird to use it as an emotional crutch. I wonder how some would react if this forum was randomly closed one day.

Especially if youre emotionally unstable ditch this shit.

Everything on the internet is fake ,my goal is to become a normie ,if I every reach to a point where I stop understanding internet slang I'm peaking. I'm just an addict womp womp

Also it's not really me "raging" but since I'm mainly talking about myself ,it felt more appropriate to have that tag,so I don't have a butch of people talking about how "they don't relate to it at all" .

But if you reached to a point where you have an acc here or any forum probably might

Waiting for the "dnr" "water" "ass thread"
Cope. This forum has legitimately helped me improve, I understand why it doesn't for you though you just post LGBT propaganda
short form gratification and echo chambers are terrible for your brain. such as tiktok or very specific places. especially during a vulnerable time for your brain
but on here ive met a diversity of thought and people. ive made interesting discoveries and saw other peoples perspectives. i feel more profound and mature, but not yet done growing, never done growing. knowledge is a never ending mountain for me to climb, my personal sisyphus.
ive also made good friends and experiences here. i feel like behind the screen my physical appearance and other characteristics is not impeding my way of socializing
short form gratification and echo chambers are terrible for your brain. such as tiktok or very specific places. especially during a vulnerable time for your brain
but on here ive met a diversity of thought and people. ive made interesting discoveries and saw other peoples perspectives. i feel more profound and mature, but not yet done growing, never done growing. knowledge is a never ending mountain for me to climb, my personal sisyphus.
ive also made good friends and experiences here. i feel like behind the screen my physical appearance and other characteristics is not impeding my way of socializing
nah n***a copied this straight from chatgpt
n***a all the raw meat caused you to talk to yourself on threads, wake up and stop listening to goatis
I haven't eaten raw meat yet, just raw eggs and fish in not so large amounts, I also don't watch Goatis that much anymore.

In May I didn't even know about any of this you are just baiting me

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