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Story Guess whos not going to sleep tonight


Established ★
Jul 17, 2024
Guys I'm locking on fully on christ after just what happened.

This is no larp at all I put this in my very soul hand on the Bible I'm tells 100% the truth

I was taking a shower and everything was normal my skin was extremely dry so I got out the shower I go to look in the mirror it was a FUCKING FACE on the steam on the mirror ill try to redraw it

Something like this fuck I'm kinda shaking if I saw it I ran and got my mom like a little boy I actually believe every story of paranormal activity no one will believe me but idc
Guys I'm locking on fully on christ after just what happened.

This is no larp at all I put this in my very soul hand on the Bible I'm tells 100% the truth

I was taking a shower and everything was normal my skin was extremely dry so I got out the shower I go to look in the mirror it was a FUCKING FACE on the steam on the mirror ill try to redraw it

View attachment 41660
Something like this fuck I'm kinda shaking if I saw it I ran and got my mom like a little boy I actually believe every story of paranormal activity no one will believe me but idc
Don't be afraid of it. It cannot hurt you. It's not like in the movies. You don't have to be scared to go to sleep.

One time when I was about 14 I heard an audible voice. I was sitting in my room reading a book or something under the nightlight and I heard a soft voice somewhere from inside the room say "Cody" (my real first name). It was as plain and crisp as anything I've ever heard. I jumped up from under the night light and hid under the covers for the rest of the night. Had a dog with me so that was comforting. That was it. Never heard anything else in that house for the next six years I continued to live there.

I'd seen and heard other things in other places while growing up and have always known the paranormal is real so it wasn't as profound or shocking for me as you might think. Just scary.
clone drone has officially lose it
what reaching top 5 posts on .com does to a mfer
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