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guys of the forum: what do you look for in a girl?

can speak russian and is maybe slavic
high iq and is studying for/has a job in stem
big brown eyes
less than 20% bf
kind, caring, openminded
funny and has a broad sense of humor
pretty smile
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i get told im pretty often but 0 hoes lolololol
Obedient to male authority. Respectful of her father (scared to disappoint him). Not loud or clamorous in social settings. Didn't fall for society's lies leading them to useless careers like cats being led across the floor by lazer pointers. Doesn't have slutty friends. Goes to the bathroom when she needs to piss and not when other girls go to the bathroom. If given a position of authority not the type to relish having her ass kissed. Not too politically opinionated either way.

Honestly though you gotta be physically attractive first for me to want to get to know you to see whether or not you have these traits I listed.
- ambitious
- Dutch, Swedish or Japanese
- interested in tech
- preferably works in infosec or as a programmer
- intelligent
- wants to help me with my business
she likes me (obsessed) and is pretty(no ltb) and not fat and not very skinny

i have to like her(obsessed)

( i don't know whats more difficult me liking a girl or a girl liking me )

she has to be a caring person

i have said many things about height but i only care about that cause i don't want short children

no retarded dangerous girls (ill end up injuring them cause i have low temper and i am highly cautious high inhib like an animal around humans )

should not be raised around white or black society( they're mostly degenerates)

should not be slut/attention whore

normal size ass n boobs(don't really care about them as long as they are not non existent then its good very big ones just get u horny or in most cases disgusted) and normal wode hips

not boneless looking or too much bones

should accept me even after knowing how i really am

no dyed hair

no stupidity

no cockiness

who doesn't disgusts or scares me

(all of this can change
they are not absolute laws I'll follow)

(i have no idea about women i just started to like them when i hit puberty)
i really don't look at people ( don't even a glance at them )

so all this came from animes
i started to watch anime last month after a 2+ years break

my favorite anime females( not in any order)
re-zero-rem.gifai.gifmikasa-season4-snk (1).gifmushoku-tensei-fitz.gifkaguya-shinomiya-kaguya-sama.gif
yeah you arent finding a girl like that
They're getting harder to find but they do exist. Most girls in the Western world grew up with weak or non existent fathers and that's the main reason. If a girl isn't the type to be scared of disappointing her father then she's gonna be way more trouble than she's worth. Sure, a man could spend the rest of his life playing mind games to keep her securely under his thumb, but men aren't supposed to have to waste so much time and energy.
she likes me (obsessed) and is pretty(no ltb) and not fat and not very skinny

i have to like her(obsessed)

( i don't know whats more difficult me liking a girl or a girl liking me )

she has to be a caring person

i have said many things about height but i only care about that cause i don't want short children

no retarded dangerous girls (ill end up injuring them cause i have low temper and i am highly cautious high inhib like an animal around humans )

should not be raised around white or black society( they're mostly degenerates)

should not be slut/attention whore

normal size ass n boobs(don't really care about them as long as they are not non existent then its good very big ones just get u horny or in most cases disgusted) and normal wode hips

not boneless looking or too much bones

should accept me even after knowing how i really am

no dyed hair

no stupidity

no cockiness

who doesn't disgusts or scares me

(all of this can change
they are not absolute laws I'll follow)

(i have no idea about women i just started to like them when i hit puberty)
i really don't look at people ( don't even a glance at them )

so all this came from animes
i started to watch anime last month after a 2+ years break

my favorite anime females( not in any order)
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can‘t tell if it’s satire or not

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