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hazel eyes will save me

Won’t do shit Dalit rope now
i already have vito basso eye area once i his eye colour i can just walk up to a girl and start raping her and she'll go along
I think youll be treated basically the same regardless of eye color
If she goes along with it then its not r**e idiot

Also that’s not gonna work, eye colour is mostly unimportant
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  • #10
If she goes along with it then its not r**e idiot

Also that’s not gonna work, eye colour is mostly unimportant
nigafagg i mean once i go up to her it will be r**e but when she sees my face it won't
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #13
none wants your subhuman ass
stfu you truecel i'm actually a psl god but nobody knows that rn because i'm disguised but once i kill the govand the eiltes and higher ups i'll be famous and simped over because they will see my face and i will be the next rira
stfu you truecel i'm actually a psl god but nobody knows that rn because i'm disguised but once i kill the govand the eiltes and higher ups i'll be famous and simped over because they will see my face and i will be the next rira
anime girl pfp
ban hammered

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