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not listen to music
i don't play video games or any irl sports
i sometimes sit and watch anime on tv
i dont do anything
and whenever i am online i am listening to music
if i dont listen to music i would definitely end up super sad and crazy
i don't play video games or any irl sports
i sometimes sit and watch anime on tv
i dont do anything
and whenever i am online i am listening to music
if i dont listen to music i would definitely end up super sad and crazy
you need to find a hobby
you dont have to do one that involves socializing if that scares you
like you can do puzzles or cooking, learning, drawing, martial arts
you need to find a hobby
you dont have to do one that involves socializing if that scares you
like you can do puzzles or cooking, learning, drawing, martial arts
i am too retarded and lazy to do any of this
i don't play video games cuz am not allowed cuz i get very aggressive and rageful when i play video games
idk how and even if i knew i prolly wouldn't be able to cause my willpower is very weak
i cant motivate you, only you can motivate yourself
it might take a long time
but i believe in you