If you said something bad people would mock and disrespect you cause of your height more compared to the actual thing you said .
If you are 6'3+ and mtn you would be able to ONS 80% of females and LTR 60% percent of them
Many beautiful women don't care about face they like tall ogres
They are automatically rejected or friendzoned
Short men are invisible and unwanted
People tell them to take thier own live and that they should be dead( it is infact better to die and end the pain than to continue suffering so they aren't wrong)
So don't cope by saying height doesn't matter even upon assuming it doesn't matter in dating life ,
It matters everywhere else
Short men are called boys and not considered men
Short men are more likely to kill themselves
Short men earn less compared to their taller counterparts
If you said something bad people would mock and disrespect you cause of your height more compared to the actual thing you said .
If you are 6'3+ and mtn you would be able to ONS 80% of females and LTR 60% percent of them
Many beautiful women don't care about face they like tall ogres
They are automatically rejected or friendzoned
Short men are invisible and unwanted
People tell them to take thier own live and that they should be dead( it is infact better to die and end the pain than to continue suffering so they aren't wrong)
So don't cope by saying height doesn't matter even upon assuming it doesn't matter in dating life ,
It matters everywhere else
Short men are called boys and not considered men
Short men are more likely to kill themselves
Short men earn less compared to their taller counterparts